Chapter 1

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The hour long bus ride to my house seems to take extra long today. Although I finally arrive at home I'm still just as anxious as I was before. I knew that it was because tomorrow, I was going to get my first horse. just still didn't seem real, like he will actually be snatched away. 

The "he" I'm talking about is Reggie. A 7 year old Quarter Horse gelding from my barn. When he and his brother went to get trained Reggie hit his head on the trailer and freaked. Ever since all he has done is sit in the pasture, occasionally being lunged. But lately my barn owner/trainer's husband has been trying to convince her they don't need so many horses, and as Reggie wasn't doing anything, naturally he was the first to go. But not many people really want to buy an untrained 7 year old horse, even if they are a registered Quarter Horse. For almost 6 months now she has been trying to find someone who would take Reggie. One of the other girl's at my barn mentioned her Uncle. He had been looking for a companion for one of his horses while he took the other two to shows. But he didn't even give Reggie a second glance, saying "A horse is never free. Especially an untrained one!" That's when I mentioned that I could take him. Although I've lived in this farm house all my life, we've never had horses. We have pigs and cows and even a donkey, but no horses. When I mentioned this to my mom she told me I had to take lessons before she would even consider it. So I started lessons at the small self-owned barn my friend rode at. So when the farm owner, Lucy, couldn't find anywhere else for him to go she agreed.

Now this weekend we are hooking up our beef trailer and picking him up. I hope it goes smoothly, since this will only be the second time Reggie has been in a trailer since what I refer to as, "the accident." Dinner comes and goes and as I lie in bed trying to fall asleep, all I can feel is excitement and anxiety. I'm exited to finally have a horse to call my own, nervous about what it will change at the barn. I fall asleep, my last thought one of Reggie's black velvet nose.

Authors Note: So how do you guys like it so far? Don't be afraid to critique me ;) this is my first fanfiction so.... yeah luckily Reggie is mine <3 he's a beautiful red bay 

So I'll try to update as much as possible. Thanks for reading!

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