Chapter 3

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As soon as I get up the next morning I eat a quick breakfast and run outside. I can't wait to start working with Reggie everyday, and not having to worry about what Lucy thinks or what the people at my barn think. Yesterday was the perfect time to pick up Reggie because now I have the whole summer to spend all day with him.  I get the lunge line from the barn and then peek into the shed to search for a blanket. I finally find a dusty blanket hanging by a couple of ancient saddles and bridals. 

Reggie greets me at the gate and follows me as I walk towards the trailer to set down the blanket. I clip him to the lunge line, then work him as I usually do. But after I have done what I would normally do to exercise him I go grab the blanket. I let him sniff it, then rub it along his body until I feel him relax and I pull it away for a minute. "Good boy, Reggie!" I say continuing to rub him with the blanket, "Okay, I'm just gonna set this on your back...good boy! See it's okay it's not going to hurt you." I let him have a few minutes to get used to having the blanket on his back while I pet and praise him. Then I send him out in a circle just walking. The blanket has shifted but is still staying on top of him so I press him into a trot and within seconds the blanket has slid off. When it slides off Reggie jumps to the side and stares at it, but I thought that was a pretty good reaction considering he could have bucked or reared. 

Then I do the same thing again, reposistioning the blanket and sending him out and this time when the blanket falls his reaction is much less. I continue this process until when the blanket slides off all Reggie does is stop and stare at it. "Good boy! You were so good, so now I'll take you for a little hand grazing," I tell Reggie. I set the blanket near the gate to pick up when we get back and then open the gate and lead Reggie out. I take him down through the creek where I let him stop to drink. Then I lead him up to the pasture, towards the tall grasses that will be grazed or cut for hay. When Reggie lowers his head to eat the long grass I sit next to him and just marvel at his beauty. How these animals even let us work with them I don't know. They could just as easily buck us off or rear in our faces and kill us. But instead they allow us to come to an understanding with them, to forge a bond stronger than anything else. To me that is the most amazing thing about being an equestrian. 

I sit there day dreaming for a while until I realize that it's late and I should be getting ready for dinner with my grandparents. I lead Reggie back to his pasture and kiss him goodbye. As I walk into the house I yell "Mom! Do I need to take a shower for dinner?"

"No sweetie," Mom responds walking into the kitchen, "You'll be fine tonight."


"But you do need to take a shower twice a week. Just cause it's summer doesn't mean you can slack on your hygene." 

Grandma and Grandpa arrive at six o'clock sharp and we sit down for our delicious homemade dinner. "Terrific dinner as always, Grandma," I praise at the end of dinner.

"I have...a little surprise, Jess," my grandpa says with a smirk plastered on his face.

"...Okay?" I respond, a little confused. Grandpa comes and takes my shoulders telling me to close my eyes. As he leads me down the steps I hear a soft whinny, but wait....I heard another one? 

"You can open your eyes now!" Grandpa exclaims. I open my eyes and wait...there's a trailer attatched to Grandpa's truck? I run up to the trailer and jump onto the tire to peek inside. OH....MY....GOD!!!!

"OH MY!!! WHAT?! REALLY!" I scream.

Authors note: I really am evil aren't I? XD CLIFF HANGER! Can you guys guess what happens? If you want to see pictures of Reggie and my grandpa's farm go follow my instagram, ------>>>> @2bays.and.apaint Or if you wanna see pictures of my barn follow my other instagram ---->>> @heelsdown_horses I follow back most horse accounts and if you comment that you read my Wattpad story I will follow you back immediately. Thanks guys! ILY

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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