Night I

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"Get ready." Blue light emits from everyone's wands. My heart beats fast as I chant the protective spells. This will hold but not for long, at least this will buy us some time to get everyone out. I look to see their eyes full of terror, everyone knew this day would come. Nobody knew this day was actually here. I tried. I tried so hard to protect the ones I love but I just ended up hurting them more. Tears form in the corners of my eyes as I stare at the sky. The stars I found to be bright and shiny now dark and dull. I found peace and love in the stars as the stars were mine and his only. Our thing to love and cherish. The moon that was so bright and big now far and dark. He told me that as long as we share the same moon it won't matter if we are a million miles apart cause we'll never be a moon away.

The day I dread the most finally has come and he still doesn't know. We made promises to each other and now I'll be breaking them. Time has come where I have to tell him.

"I have to find him." I grab her hand and take in all her features. The ones that brought me so much laughter and joy. Adventures I will forever cherish. I let go and go for a hug instead. I rest my head on her shoulder letting those tears finally leave my eyes.

"I love you bugaboo."

HIDDEN (D.M)Where stories live. Discover now