Chapter 4

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¥Nialler¥ POV
(Tori) 'We should tell some secrets like the ones you would never tell anybody??'
'I picked up a phone and I put it in my pocket and I'm not sure whose it is, but I will figure it out later'
(Louis) 'Sounds like a lot of fun, but has anyone seen my phone? I haven't seen it since we were at Nandos.'
(Tori) 'Wait you guys were at Nandos too?
(Zayn) 'Well yea it's the best place to eat in town and Niall was starving.
(Caitlyn) 'Oh yea I remember'
(Bailey) 'Could you hear us?'
(Harry) 'Well, yea you were loud.'
(Morgan) 'Bailey they were in the booth across from us. Remember?'
(Zayn) 'Looks like someone is finally waking up!' She is still in his lap with his jacket on.
(Avery) 'hmm, What did I miss?
(Zayn) 'Not much just the fact that you are beautiful when you sleep.'
(Avery) 'Aww thanks Zayn! Whose jacket is this?'
(Zayn) 'Mine, and it looks good on you.'
(Niall) mumbles 'Why are you such a flirt tonight Zayn?'
(Zayn) 'Because I can Niall.'
(Louis) 'Are you cold, Tori?'
(Tori) 'Um, yea kinda.'
(Louis) 'Come here Love?'
(Caitlyn) *shoves Tori from behind*
(Tori) *secretly fan girls and snuggles up to Louis* Hearing the boys tell stories of when they were kids until know is a ton of fun, something is different about them. Kinda like how do they have the bodies they have when they only work out like once a week. Louis large bicep makes my large hands look really small which is new for me since Caitlyn and I are the tallest of the group at 5'11 and 6'2 except for Harry. I just realized that I'm snuggled up to Louis. Morgan is cuddling with Liam. Bailey is half asleep in Harry's arms. Caitlyn is wearing Niall's hoodie and sitting in his lap. And last but not least Avery is still blushing but is cuddling with Zayn.
(Morgan) "Man I am tired and it looks like everyone else is but the guys and it's like past midnight. "
(Niall) The girls are starting to doze off, but we let them sleep cause we are nice to them. We take them to our huge group tent and put them to bed with is hard because a tent meant for 5 people seems really small with 5 extra sleeping girls.
(Louis) *yawns and hugs a sleeping Tori* Looks like the guys and I gave up on waking up the ladies last night but I don't mind. They are all beautiful even the usual uncontrollable fans we meet on a daily basis.
*Harry yawns and rubs his eyes*
(Harry) whispers 'Hey Lou.'
(Louis) whispers 'morning Hazz'
*Liam attempts to sleepily stretch without waking Morgan*
(Liam) rubs his sleepy eyes and whispers 'Morning'
(Harry) whispers 'hey guys you wanna wake them up?'
(Louis) whispers 'No they look too peaceful.'
(Liam) yawns then whispers 'I'm with Louis on this one Harry, sorry.'
(Niall) whisper yawns 'what are ya talking bout lads?'
(Harry)whispers 'Waking up the sleeping beauties.'
(Niall) 'Oh ok, What's for breakfast?'
(Louis) 'I'm not sure, but we should go find their camp and bring there stuff here.'
*All boys but Zayn walk away from camp*
(Harry) ' I'm sure they would love that, but where is their campsite at?'
(Niall) 'Down the trail aways remember when they came around the bend in the trail. Maybe it's that way?'
(Louis) 'Can't hurt to try, but let's leave them each little notes!'
(Liam) 'That would be so sweet of us wouldn't it?'
(Harry)wrote 'Hello Beautiful, Went for a walk with the boys!'
(Liam) wrote 'Sweet Dreams?, Went for a walk be back soon.'
(Niall) wrote 'Hey Beautiful, With the boys be back soon.'
(Louis) wrote 'Hey Love, Sleep Good, I Hope so Will be back soon.'
(Harry) 'Should we wake Zayn?'
(Liam) 'The smell of fresh coffee might wake him, plus we need someone to protect the girls while we are gone.'
(Louis) 'We could go get some Starbucks then get the girls stuff?'
(Harry) 'I wonder what the girls would want?'
(Niall) 'Is that the girls camp?'
(Liam) 'Looks like it since it's not far from ours.'
(Louis) 'Can I drive? Since Liam drove here.'
(Liam) 'Sure just don't get us lost.'
*Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam all spot a nice Dodge Truck parked next to their Chevy Escalade*
(Louis) 'Now that's a nice truck. I wonder whose it is?'
(Harry) 'it is,is that a name badge hanging from the mirror?'
(Liam) 'Looks like it and it says Tori Kodallas and there is one in the seat that says Morgan Kodallas.'
(Niall) 'isn't there an actor named Brandon Kodallas? Could they be siblings?'
(Louis) 'He is on the show called Highway Thru Hell'
(Harry) 'Oh yeah, that's a cool show.'
*Niall and Liam nod in agreement*
(Louis) 'Come on let's go.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At Starbucks
*Steal My Girl is playing softly in the background over the radio*
(Harry) '10 iced Caramel Frappé's please'
(Cashier) 'Who is it for?'
(Harry) 'Liam'
(Cashier) '$18 even'
*Harry pays and they wait for their order*
(Random Employee) 'Liam' 'Have a great day'
(Louis) 'Will do'
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