Chapter 4

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Meanwhile, Teruya and Mikado were making their way to Iroha's place, after having taken a bus to arrive there. "Boy, it was kind of her to invite us to her place for the break" Teruya smiled.

"I agree, I wonder how big her house is," Mikado noted as they arrived at the gates of a giant mansion, a gate surrounding the house area and a huge field around the house.

"Holy shit is this where she lived??" Teruya exclaimed.

"It's 23 Mildew Drive, this is it," Mikado said, pointing to the address plate in front of the gates. Mikado rang the doorbell beside the gate. After a second, a voice came from the speaker.

"H-Heya Mikado, heya Teruya! Come on in" Iroha's voice rang through the speaker as the gate opened.

"God this is fancy!" Teruya pointed out as they headed down the cleared path to the huge mansion. On their way, Mikado swore he could hear the faint sound of snickering. However, he didn't get much time to question it, before he was smacked in the face with a snowball, tripping and falling. "M-Mikado!" Teruya said as he heard rustling by the bushes as a couple of people popped out.

"Haha! That was so worth it!" Emma chuckled.

"You have a good aim Emma" Iroha pointed out.

"I-Iroha?! Emma!?" Mikado was surprised before the others popped up from the bushes.

"We're all here too," Hajime noted.

"Emma and Iroha kinda wanted to try and sneak up on you. Guess it went well" Kokoro noted.

Mikado summoned multiple snowballs with his magic. "Well then, time for payback!" He smirked.

"AHHHH NO!!" Iroha and Emma squealed as they were chased around the field by Mikado throwing snowballs at them.

"Well, that went as well as it could have gone" Hajime sighed.

"Yeah..hey, where's Nikei? I figured he would be with you all" Teruya asked.

"Apparently according to Iroha, he said he couldn't make it. He wanted to take the time for his family" Shinji said.

"Ah, that's the way, should we stop them?" Teruya asked.

"I'm not sure...Mikado does have his magic..." Kokoro pointed out.

"Eh, they'll eventually tire themselves out so I think we'll be fine to watch," Hajime said as they continue watching the three of them all tire themselves out before they all laid in the snow before the others went over to them.

"You guys tire yourselves out??" Shinji asked.

"Yeah..." Emma said, tired. "Hey Koko-chan, come down and make snow angels with us!" She said, pulling Kokoro down.

"!!" Kokoro was surprised but didn't stop Emma.

"Cmon you guys, you too!" Iroha smiled.

"Alright!" Teruya smiled as they all laid down in a circle, making snow angels.

"God I haven't done this since I was a kid..." Shinji said.

"Yeah, this is so fun!" Teruya smiled.

"Hey, who wants to make a snowman!" Mikado sat up. "I never made one before..." He admitted.

"Really??" Iroha sat up. "We gotta change that! We're making snowmen!"

"Yeah!" Hajime said as they all got up as the six of them split into groups as they started making their snowman. Teruya explained to Mikado how to make a snowman.

"So you have to make three huge snowballs, one for the bottom, which is the biggest. The second one is slightly smaller and goes on top of the bottom snowball. Then the head goes on top, and it's the smallest snowball that is made" Teruya explained as he started making the base snowball as Mikado made the middle snowball.

"I see..." Mikado was learning quite a bit. Soon he was done rolling the snowball.

"Alright, put it on top of my snowball" Teruya said.

Mikado nodded and attempted to pick up the snowball he made but failed, barely being able to.

"...You need help?" Teruya asked as Mikado nodded. "Alright, let's do it together!" He said as he helped the other put the snowball on top.

"We did it!" Mikado smiled. He was having the time of his life. "Let's finish this up!" He said as Teruya nodded. Before he could, he noticed that Emma, Iroha and Kokoro were almost done with their own snowman. However, their snowman wasn't what he expected. It was made to look like Nikei.

"Is that Nikei??" Hajime pointed out, almost finishing a normal-looking snowman with Shinji.

"Well since Nikei isn't here, they had the idea of making a memorial of Nikei" Kokoro pointed out.

"Yeah, doesn't it look like him?? I'm gonna send him a pic!" Emma took a picture.

"Yeah, he's just going get mad..." Mikado noted as they all giggled.

Anger - SDRA2 Fanfic (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora