Chapter 11

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All Nikei could think about was that he was falling.

Falling down.

Falling to his death.

All the pain from his arm had suddenly numbed out as the thoughts of death filled his mind. Was this it? Was this how it was all going to end? To think this was how he was going to die alone and afraid. He closed his eyes as time seemed to slow down as he approached his death. During this, he thought of the people he knew. The people who he would never see again. 

The first people who came to his mind were the three closest friends he had: Iroha, Hajime and Emma. Sure Emma's puns were so cheesy and bad, Hajime always acted like a mom over his health, and Iroha always relied on him. But they were like a family, the family he never had. 

Then it was Yuki, Sora and Yoruko. Yuki was very sensitive, never being able to stand up for himself, and for a Hope's Peak student, he was quite normal. However, he had a good heart and cared deeply for those he knew. Sora and Yoruko on the other hand were odd, but they matched each other with their weird personalities. 

After it was Shinji, Setsuka, Hibiki, Kanade and Yuri. Shinji, similar to Hajime, was very concerned for him, but not as much. Hibiki was always stubborn and bullied Kanade for no reason. Yuri was always obsessive over girls and Setsuka was her flirty self. Even so, they were good people and got along. 

And then there was Mikado. His rival and someone that never failed to piss him off. But after learning of how he was suffering, they both agreed to be nicer to each other, but it didn't mean that they stopped getting into fights, but they were a lot closer than before. 

Then it was other people he met at Hope's Peak. Tsurugi was really strict and a major tsundere, but he was good for stories and a man of justice. Kokichi was of course very much annoying and a major liar, but he wasn't all that bad once you got to know him. And then there was Mahiru, one of the students a part of the Newspaper Club that he worked with. She at first didn't like him, not trusting him. However, they eventually became good friends and great partners. 

Finally, his mind drifted to the last person he saw, Syobai. His first kiss, and first crush. He would never know if he felt the same way behind that cold exterior of his. He felt tears prick his eyes as his memories flash through all the people he knew and came to care about. 

"I'm sorry.." He reached out to the sky, smiling softly, as he thought one final thought. "Be happy..." That was all he could think as the impact hit him and everything was black. 

Meanwhile, Sora, Yoruko and Yuki were coming back from hanging out, having dinner and a movie. "God that was fun! We gotta do that again sometime!" Sora smiled.

"It was tiring, to say the least," Yuki yawned. Yuki didn't mind joining the two, despite being like a third wheel.

"Well let's get back-" Yoruko began to say before they were all startled when they heard a loud thud not too far away.

"W-What was that?!" Yuki asked.

"It came from the back of the dorms, let's check it out," Sora said as they rushed to the back, but what greeted them there left them in true shock. Nikei was on the ground, blood pooling around him.

"Nikei!" Yoruko gasped as they went to his side. Yoruko luckily knew some medical skills so she took his pulse. "He's barely alive, we need to call for an ambulance!"

"I-I got it!" Yuki said, pulling out his phone as he called emergency service. While Yuki was explaining the situation to the police through the phone, Sora and Yoruko perked up as they got a message on their phones.

Class Groupchat

FuckOff: @FireDad @ProteinMom

FuckOff: Need some help

FuckOff: Come to the rooftop

ProteinMom: Why??

FuckOff: Just come

FuckOff: Trust me

Sora and Yoruko looked confused. What was going on? What happened to Nikei? Why was Syobai asking for help? So many questions and so few answers.

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