sleepover bitches 1/2

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(Trents pov)

Trent ran to his door, and opened the door and saw Gwen. "Gwen! Glad you can make it!" He smiled and hugged the goth.

"Me too!" Gwen smiled.

Then his doorbell rang again, to see Noah, Cody and Sierra! Sierra was holding Cody Noah was just standing there.

"Whats up dude?" Cody said while trying to get out of Sierra's grip

"Codykins!!! Eeee we can sleep together tonight!" Sierra squeeled

Cody was looking at Trent in fear shaking his head lightly. Trent nodded and made sure to help him. Plus he deserves it! He hooked Gwen and him back up in island so the little guy could use a hand.

Then Bridgette, Geoff and Courtney rang the doorbell.

"Hi!" Courtney said while walking in.

"Wow this place is sorta packed already!" Bridgette pointed out

"Who cares? LETS PARTY!!" Geoff yelled while running to the fridge to grab some beverages.

Then Heather opened the door, and walked right in without saying hello or anything. Alejandro walked in shortly after.

"Hola amigo!" The mexican waved

"What's up!" Trent fist bumped him.

Pretend everyone got there Im to lazy)

Everyone was there besides Duncan. Trent didn't really care what so ever though, but then the criminal stepped into the house.

Trent sighed, but still greeted him. "Hi Duncan"

"Whats up man!" He smiled 

A few hours passed and Trent saw everyone was getting bored, he noticed Duncan and Courtney were avoiding eachother but he just ingored it. It wasn't his problem! But then his mind sparked in his head.

"Guys! I have an idea!" Trent stood up

"Weeeell?" Izzy asked

Trent was about to speak until two men bursted through the door.

"Guess who's hereeeeeeeeee!" Chris yelled

"Ughh!" Heather groaned

"It won't be that bad mi amor.." Alejandro told her while holding her hand.

"Well what the fuck do you want?" Courtney glared at the somewhat 'host'.

"I wanna see whats happening! Duh" Chris glared at the CIT


Geoff shrugged, and asked "Well Trent what was your idea?"

"I was gonna say we could play two truths and one lie but that wouldn't be a good ide-" Chris stopped him right away. "No, do it dude!" Chris said

"Alright lets play that then!" Cody smiled

"Okay sounds good" Noah agreed

"EEEEEEEEEEE" Sadie and Katie both sqealed at the same time

"Whats up with them?" Bridgette asked

"What do you think." Noah said

Bridgette shrugged and ingored him.

"Well who wants to go first?" Trent asked the others.

Everyone was silent.

"Gwen. You go first" Chris said with his evil smile.

Trent always wondered what was in her diary.. maybe she would say some stuff in there!

Gwen sighed, "Fine.." 

"I have a huge crush on someone in this room, I used to be a prissy little fashionista when I was a toddler, and I believe Sierra will stop obsessing with Cody one day." Gwen said with her head down, embarassed knowing that some of her secrets were about to be exposed.

Sierra was about to object but then Courtney covered her mouth from probably saying 'NooO I love my codykins!! AND WILLL LOVE HIM FOREVERRRR' If were being honest here. She would have said that.

"Ooh! Ooh! I think I know!" Izzy shot her hand up

Gwen groaned. "Whats your guess.?"

(No ones pov)

"Obviously the fashion- however you call it! Thats the lie!" Izzy yelled while climbing on top of Owen.

Gwen was silent.

She looked back up, really embarrased and said "..No"

"Wait what?" Izzy asked while raising an eyebrow.

"..yea" Gwen muttered

Duncan and Heather started laughing uncontrollably. 

"Actually?! Now I have another thing to make fun of you for!" Heather teased.

"Woah woah woah pasty. I thought you were weird for breaking up with me.. but this is the next level!" Duncan laughed,

Courtney just glared at them, Trent did aswell.

Gwen rolled her eyes and ingored them.

"It's not even that bad you two are overreacting a bit!" Cody told to two

"Okay and? I honestly don't care" Duncan snapped

Cody also rolled his eyes.

"Well.. Gwen who next?" Trent asked the goth.

Gwen smiled and looked straight at Heather. "Hmm I dont know! Oh of course I know! Heather, what about you go?" Gwen said while smiling right at her

"I hate you goth-face!" Heather yelled. "But whatever." 

(TW: mentions of abuse.) 

"I've nearly killed my cat once, my parents put me in a electric chair to try to make me a better person, and I've gotten a-abused.." Heather stuttered. "Well go on. Which ones the lie" She said.

Everyone paused to actually realize what the choices were.

"Um.. I think I know..?" Cody said in a low tone, while slowly raising his hand.

"Well?" She asked

"I think the abuse is the lie. Heather most likely killed bruiser. Also! In total drama action she said that her parents put her in a electric chair!" "See? I remembered!" Cody smiled

Oh but that situation wasn't smiley at all.

Heather was quiet for a full minute.

"Um.. amor? You okay?" Alejandro asked her. 

"Heather? Was Cody wrong or something?" Owen also asked.

"Uh.. this is awkward..." Noah said

"Yes fatty. Toothy was wrong." Heather muttered.

Courtney's eyes widened, well basically everyones did. Even Leshawna and Gwen's.

"The lie was me almost killing my cat.." Heather told everyone

Chris spit out his coffee "Huh?!" 

"Yes, I was abused.." The asian said while tearing up a little.

"Wow.. uh.. I'm so sorry girl." Leshawna told her while pulling her into a hug.

Sierra took out her phone and took a photo, "OMG!! Leshawna and Heather are hugging?! No way!!" Sierra yelled

"Sierra.. not the time." Bridgette told her.

Then withen 30 seconds, everyone was in a group hug.

"Heather.. were so sorry to hear this." Harold said to her. 

"Yeah.. its fine I guess." She said with a small smile.

Heather was actually liking these people, her former enemies.

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