sleepover 2/2

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Heather smiled, and they all broke out of the hug.

"Okay, Thats what I call drama!!" Chris cheered.

"Don't ruin the mood," Trent said. That fucking idiot, chris.. he thought.

"Calm down.." Geoff said while placing a hand on my shoulder. This wasn't normal for me, I was so angry for some shitty reason? It's been atleast 5 seconds and Chris has gotten to me. This is so weird.

"Trent, you okay?" Gwen asked with a nervous look on her face.

"Yeah. I'm fine, just in my thoughts." I smiled.

"PILLOW FIGHT!!" Owen yelled.

"Holy shit that came outta no where!" Heather yelled and rushed to grab a pillow


"Oh well" I muttered while grabbing a pillow.

Gwen grabbed a pillow and started hitting Heather. "THIS IS THE ONLY TIME I GET TO HIT HEATHER!! I BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT" She yelled while laughing

"SHUT IT WEIRD GOTH GIRL!" Heather screamed as she slapped her back with a pillow.

"Woaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh drama's gonna come in soon" Chris chuckled.

"BITCH YOU HAVE A BIG ASS FOREHEAD SHUT THE FUCK UP" Duncan yelled at Courtney as he hit her with a pillow

"YOUR GONNA REGRET THAT!" She stood up tackled him.

"Uhhhh"I stared


"HIYAAAAA" Izzy smacked owen with a pillow.

Life was great, it honestly was. I was back with my friends, nothing to worry about. 

But then. Cody banged his head on the coffee table. How the fuck does that happen?

"Oh my god! Cody!-" Noah yelled.

"What happened?!" Leshawna asked.

"Me and Cody we're having a pillow fight, like everyone else and then he slipped on a blanket and banged his head onto Trent's coffee table." He sighed.

"Well shit." Tyler said

"Call an ambulance!" Courtney yelled. Gwen rushed to the phone and dialed 911.

They picked up, "911 what's your emergency?" I heard the phone speak.

"Is Cory okay?!" Lindsay asked while tearing up.

"Hopefully.." Alejandro said.

"Linds, it's Cody not Cory," Beth told her.

"Ohhhh" Lindsay said.

"Hi my friend banged his head on a table and he's now passed out. Please come. QUICK" Gwen told them.

"Okay we're on our way." They replied. "Don't hang up, keep me on the phone"

"Chris shouldn't you be helping us?!" Courtney asked.

"Uhhh.. bye!" He said as him and Chef ran out the door.

"Fuck them!" Duncan yelled.

"Noah go grab an icepack for Cody" Courtney said while pointing to the freezer.

"Wait I can!-" Sierra said.

"Hush up. I said Noah, didn't I?" Courtney smirked.

Sierra groaned.

Is cody gonna be okay..? Like I wonder if he hit his head way to bad- 


"They said there on they're way!" Gwen smiled.

I sighed a breath of relief, 

Then they barged in and put cody in the truck, only one person was allowed to go in, Noah was chosen. Then they drove off.

"Do you think he's okay?" Lindsay asked.

"Hopefully.." Beth said.



It's gonna be okay Noah, It's gonna be okay. I thought to myself. Cody just laid there, passed out. I felt like I did this.. but I didn't? It was just him being clumsy.. hopefully.

We finally made it to the hospital and it turns out he got a concussion. Poor kid. I'll have to text everyone, that he's somewhat okay.

"Noah, please go in the waiting room. We have to work on a few things with him." The doctors told me.

"But he's my B-" I got cut off.

"Yes your boyfriend," The doctor said.

"No! My best friend!" I yelled.

"Please go wait." They sad while shoving me out.


Sorry for short chapter, I'm focusing on two school projects I'm working on. Sorry for also not updating :( -Emma

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