Chapter 9

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Todoroki's POV-
I yawned quietly as I tried to focus on Mr. Aizawa's lesson, on how heroes have shaped our society. It was an especially boring lesson, and that did nothing to help with the excessive tiredness I was feeling. I looked over at Bakugou and surprisingly, he looked like he always did, angry but paying attention to the lesson. I was surprised because I knew how strict his sleeping schedule was normally, and I was expecting him to look a lot worse than me.

The night we spent looking for Midoriyia however, was a waste of time, I thought to myself as I replayed the events in my head. There was no evidence of Midoriya, but we did stop a lady who was getting mugged, the lady was extremely grateful, and she kept telling us so. I took the compliment and told her to be more careful, but Bakugou just looked at the ground saying "Yeah,........whatever" every time she thanked us, but I'm almost positive I saw a light blush on his face.

After dealing with that situation, we checked almost all of the abandoned buildings on the south side. We couldn't find a single thing that would lead to Midoriyia. And we had to be careful, because of all the heroes out patrolling. Ever since the sports festival, I've been recognized a lot more than the others because of my multi-colored hair. Despite that, we were able to stay hidden in the buildings we were checking, whenever a hero was close. After about 3 hours of nonstop searching, I knew we should head back. It was 5 am and I knew everyone would be getting up and ready at 6:30, so we had to move fast. Bakugou wanted to wait till 6 to go back, but I told him that was too risky. So reluctantly, we both started to head back to the dorms. We were able to get back in easily, because of the thick darkness that still lingered.

I changed out of my black clothing and traded it for my grey school uniform, with a tired yawn. I knew that if I looked even a little more tired than usual, Mr. Aizawa would ask questions. I headed into my bathroom and splashed some ice-cold water on my face. I dried my face-off, with my blue towel and looked in the mirror. I still looked tired but no more than usual. That would have to do for now. I grabbed my backpack, which leaned against my wall, and put it on with a yawn. It was going to be a long day, but I knew that I could sleep when I got back, and go searching again tonight. Me and Bakugou had agreed that we would go through school, sleep until dinner, and then sleep till 1 am when we would go out looking again.

As I was thinking about how good it would feel to finally sleep, I heard Mr. Aizawa call on Kaminari and I snapped back into the present moment. I looked at the board and realized I had missed almost a whole page's worth of notes. Crap. I hurried and scribbled down as many notes as I could. I heard the bell ring and sighed as I put all of my supplies into my backpack. The end of school couldn't come soon enough.

Aizawa's POV-
I taught my lesson as normal and noticed there were a few students who were more distracted than normal. Namely Todoroki and Bakugou. It was probably just harder for them because they were right there when the problem child was taken. He really is a problem isn't he, I thought to myself. Not only is he in extreme danger, but he is the reason I haven't slept in 4 days. I continued teaching, as I watched Todoroki and Bakugou, out of the corner of my eye. I was just about to say something to them when Kaminari raised his hand. I gave him a surprised look and nodded for him to continue. Kaminari never participated in the lessons, and since the licensing exam, no one participated. He cleared his throat and looked down at his desk as he said, "Has there been any progress on, ..... the search for Midoriyia?" I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, and noticed that at the mention of Midoriyia, Bakugou and Todoroki immediately seemed more interested. I was about to let down my students again, and tell them there was no progress when the bell rang. Talk about saved by the bell. I took out my yellow sleeping bag and laid down on the floor. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep but, might as well try.

Bakugou's POV-
I held back the yawn I felt in my throat and covered it up with an aggressive expression. Why was I doing all of this for stupid Deku? Not only was I ruining my sleep schedule, but I was getting behind in school as well. I rolled my eyes at nothing and continued to zone out Mr. Aizawa. I tried to pay attention to him, but everything going on was too distracting, and not to mention I was so dang tired I was seeing doubles of everything. Despite that, I was still able to see the side glances Mr. Aizawa kept giving me and icy hot. I knew that couldn't be good. If he found out what me and that candy cane were doing, he would not hesitate to expel us. He already lied to us about expulsion twice, but I knew that this time he was serious. I remembered how mad he got when those extras came and saved me,...... yeah he definitely wasn't kidding.

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