Being Competitive

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Being Competitive can be great but it can also be worst as well.

1. Being competitive can help you in the real world.

If you are competitive then it can help you in the real world . Like if you want a job you will stop at nothing to get it. And if you want all A's you will still stop at nothing to achieve it. Trust me this is a good characteristic but also bad which leds me to Number 2.

2. The overcompetitive person.

This person I really don't like. Like you can be competitive but don't be overcompetitive because sometimes you let it get to your head and take things too seriously.  Like for instance say if someone made an F on a test and you made an A and you brag about it. That's not good at all like shutup stop gloating about it.

3. The I'm not competitive I'm inbetween or too lazy.

This person isn't really into competitions. This person may or may not care about their grades but they just don't feel the need to compete because why would you compete if you all just going to graduate at the same time. This person is me sometimes, because on one hand I feel like being competitive isn't worth it but again I feel like it is.

A/N: Omg I have 800 hearts :) and I wanna thank you guys sooo much. Also comment below which one you are or if you know anybody that happens to be like this and only 6-8 chapters left :(.

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