Peer Pressure

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Peer pressure is the worst there is no good side to this. You even get pressured by your family which sucks.

Peer pressure can really lower your self esteem and make you feel like you're nothing.

Trust me I've been bullied almost my whole life and the peer pressure wasn't exactly helping me .

It took me so long to accept that I am beautiful in my own way and that's okay.

Peer pressure also makes you do things you wouldn't normally do too "feel cool" or " fit in".

I did a terrible thing with peer pressure and I absolutely regret it if I could take it back I would.

You shouldn't give in to peer pressure it's not worth it.

You don't want to wonder what would or could of happened if you just would have been yourself and not what everyone else wants to be.

I hear many people say it's okay to try to fit in and it's not.

You lose yourself in peer pressure and that's what hurts the most.

I think people today need to hear that it's okay not to fit in and it's okay not to be popular as long as you are happy with yourself nothing else matters.

Not the people. Not the teachers . Not even your family. Just you.

A/N: this is from the heart and I just wanna say I'm here if you ever need anyone :). Also like 5-10 chapters left because I really want to end this and start on my poetry book. Ok I love you guys a lot :)

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