> Chapter 1 <

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No one's POV

How did you get here again?

 The memories were scrambled in your head, everything was unclear.... Lying on the ground, having no recollection of anything, pickaxe in hand as you sat up wearily. Vision coming to a clear sight as you observed the dark and gloomy surroundings. 

You would've thought you were trapped if it weren't for the light behind you, showing a clear exit- a green forest. Standing up from curiosity and jumping as 3 diamonds fell clumsily to the ground. Had you been mining? Did an accident made you develop brain damage while you were working in the caves? You couldn't tell. 

You walked to the opening, halting as you heard a loud yell from the caves, and the sound was growing nearer. The voice sounded child- like, which lead you wondering to who would ever leave their child in the caves? Let alone all by themselves."TUBBOOOOOOO!!!!!!"There it is again. You would've been lying if you said the repeated yelling was starting to get annoying, then again, you were glad that someone else was here and you're not alone.

 Even if it's a child. The voice was seemingly calling out to someone but that wasn't something you would pay attention to. Looking over to the direction of the voice, catching a glimpse of a young teen with golden blonde hair. "I guess that's the child" You muttered to yourself, the blonde snapped his head towards you. Was your voice really that loud? Or had the cave made your voice echo and loud enough for the boy to hear? Either way, this was embarrassing. There was a brief silence as he stared at you before he started yelling once again, eyes widened as if he just saw a ghost."AAAH! WHO THE F**K ARE YOU?!!!" If he had yelled a bit louder, you would think that the cave would collapse. "No one...?" You answered his question dumbly, feeling empty-headed and shamed that you can't even recall your own name.

You tried to say your answer in a joking way, thinking it would be enough to convince the boy that you don't want to say your name. Oh but how wrong you were. The boy stared at you in the eyes as if he was burning holes through your head, you couldn't do anything but awkwardly stare back. If anyone else had saw the both of you, they'd think you're having a staring contest. It wasn't long before he finally blinked. "hah! I won" you smile playfully at him only to get a scoff in response. "WHAT?! THIS AIN'T A CONTEST, B!TCH!, AND IF I KNEW IT WAS, I WOUDLD'VE WON" you chuckle at his behavior, taking a mental note that he has a frisky and belligerent personality.

 You felt as if you knew someone fairly similar to him but you could never out your finger on it. "No need to be salty, also, please keep your voice down, you're going to make the cave collapse" his eyes continue to stare daggers at you while you spoke. "I am not salty, I am me and I am POGCHAMP! But that's not the point, who are you?" his face went from a proud egoistic smile to a serious and judging glare. You tried to keep my composure as my mind mentally panicked trying to think of any random name that I can use temporarily. You knew he wasn't going to accept 'no one' for an answer. He watched patiently, tapping his foot gently on the ground. Then finally an idea of a name came to my head. "um...I'm Y/n" you catch a confused look on his face before returning into his serious state. "now , what are you doing here?" he narrowed his eyes as he stepped closer, you hated to admit it but you were getting intimidated. You knew he wasn't messing around. Swallowing your breath, you opened determined to answer veraciously. 

 "I don't know" 

 Silence fell upon the surroundings once again leaving the conversation on a block of ice

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