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"I am not salty, I am me and I am POGCHAMP! But that's not the point, who are you?" his face went from a proud egoistic smile to a serious and judging glare. You tried to keep my composure as my mind mentally panicked trying to think of any random name that I can use temporarily. You knew he wasn't going to accept 'no one' for an answer. He watched patiently, tapping his foot gently on the ground. Then finally an idea of a name came to my head. "um...I'm Y/n" you catch a confused look on his face before returning into his serious state. "now , what are you doing here?" he narrowed his eyes as he stepped closer, you hated to admit it but you were getting intimidated. You knew he wasn't messing around. Swallowing your breath, you opened determined to answer veraciously.

"I don't know" 


I told him that I don't know where am I, but it turns out he will not believe me.

"What the F^ck did you mean you don't know?" i sigh in defeat as i explain the circumstance i am in, "you're not with dream? are you..." he said raising a brow keeping a skeptical look, Dream? the name sounded intimate to me, but no picture nor memories of it came to my mind. Did i really hit my head that hard? "No, I'm not with whoever you're talking about"  He looks at me with a suspecting expression before finally nodding, confirming that he had believed me"

After  sometime, I turned around until i heard him talking to someone then called me.....

Wibur's POV

It's quite stressful. It's stressful to stop yourself from being paranoid all the time.

A moment of complete utter silence and losing sight of people that once surrounded you, it's enough to drive a person insane. A life to death war in the near future of his beloved country and everyone within, he can only wish to the stars above that whatever the gods have written in his role– his script in this world of theirs– that it would end with him finding happiness, relief and L'manburg standing proudly with all it's citizens.

The sky rumbled, rain threatening to pour down. "Where are they? They should be back by now." Although his surroundings were dead silent, his thoughts were deafening. Mistakes, such a simple word. It gets overlooked by people but when I occurs their hearts overflows with regret. So when he saw his two boy with someone unknown, an unfamiliar face, his mind raced– body went on autopilot as he rushed to the gates.

"Wilbur! Guess who we fou-" Tommy's words were filled with a cheery energy. How dare he bring a stranger to their endangered country?
"I can see that. And I'd like to know what possessed you to bring this... person...with you, you know our situation right now. We can't afford any spies." His eyes glared daggers into the newcomer's soul, the paranoia covered by his calm yet threatening aura.

"Calm your a** Wil. I'm not f*cking stupid! 'course I wouldn't just bring some random person here" Tommy retorted, stepping forward to meet Wilbur's un-impressed stare. The brunette, Tubbo, watched silently as the scene unfold, looking at the newcomer from time to time. He can understand why the Wilbur would be so skeptical as he himself were quite taken a back when Tommy introduced the person to him.

The two stopped arguing, well, Wilbur did atleast. Tommy's screams were still very audible. "And who are you supposed to be?" Wilbur walked towards the person, he kept his distance standing near the gigantic gates of the walls surrounding L'manburg, Tommy had already said enough and he wanted to hear from the actual person they're talking about.

"My name's Y/n, it's a... pleasure to meet you..?" He hesitantly shook their hand, still unsure whether to take risks. "Yes. It's quite lovely to meet you, Y/n. May I ask what brings you here?" Tommy mutters a string of curses behind the man, he isn't very good at keeping his thoughts to himself but then again, knowing Tommy's pride and ego he must've wanted Wilbur to hear it anyway.

They stood in silence, with each minute passing Wilbur was growing more and more skeptical– more and more irritated. "I really don't know" they finally spoke, the unsure tone in their voice and their nervous posture– they weren't in a good situation.

Wilbur opened his mouth, attempting to speak but before he can do so, they cut him off. "Before you say anything. I really don't know, woke up in a cave and found the blond child, next thing I knew I'm being dragged to a place called "L'manburg"" Wilbur's face was unreadable, it was like he had no clue what to respond. With a few moments of silence and awkward laughs, he slowly turned his head to look at the blond boy who had a nervous look.

"..hey will" the boy breathed a shaky laugh. "Tommy. Elaborate." Wilbur demanded to the boy, the two others who was watching took a step back not wanting to be involved in what seems like a chaotic bickering. No, not chaotic, it's more of a scold than anything. The blond laughed but regained his composure as he stared at Wilbur's eyes, the eyes that were practically stabbing him. "Look Will–" their conversation became a background noise as attention is driven away from both Y/n and the brunette standing with them.

"So, we never really got to have a proper introduction with each other. Name's Y/n, pleasure to meet you...Tubbo, if I'm correct?" He looked at you and smiled, a smile that reminded you of something but you can't make out the image in your blurry head. "Yeah, that's me. It's uh- it's nice to meet you too" The both of you look back at the two boys– who were still arguing– "Look, I know Wilbur is a little but cold to you but I can assure you he's a lovely guy once you get to know him" You smiled at his statement, he really cares for how people view his friends. "Yeah, guess I just have to get to know him better. Hopefully I get let in" You chuckled to yourself.

Tubbo was a kid you had met not so long ago, just like Tommy. But him and Tommy are very different, or so that's what you think. Tubbo was calm and collected, a cheery one as well. Tommy was loud and energetic, slightly aggressive but it's nothing people can manage. You're not one to judge– and it's never your place to ever do so– but you couldn't help but feel sympathy for Wilbur, whoever be might be, whatever his position is, he looks nervous. Although it's hard to make it out, he easily hid that under a calm and threatening mood, but that's not a surprise. Most adults can do that, he's not any different. Now that you look at them, they're not any different from people in a story. There's a loud energetic one, a calm and wise one and the–

"OI! YOU STILL THERE?" you snap out of your train of thought, the three now standing infront of you. You feel idiotic for dozing off, what an absolute fraud you are right now. You apologize for your little show stopper, Wilbur raises a brow but shrugs it off atleast for now that is. He views you as a pole, and with each suspicious or unusual movement you make, every queer word you say, a red flag is added to that pole. Right now you have one, and that's just for dozing off.

"Me and Tommy have come to an agreement, you will be "free" to stay in L'manburg, but I will be keeping an eye on you. Everytime you do something out if the ordinary, expect my trust in you to descend. Is that clear or would I need to repeat myself?" He said, eyes calmer than before. Behind him the blond boy was constantly signalling for you to say yes. Though you didn't need him to convince you to stay, you didn't have another place to flee to, if anything, you would've been lost and most likely dead if you hadn't encountered the boy.

"Of course I-" In this time around, Wilbur had cut you off with a sh*t eating grin. "But once I get any form of proof that this..."memory loss" that you claim to have us fake, there will be some... consequences." Without another word he spun around and left. Tommy scoffed despite agreeing to Wilbur's statement. "C'mon Tubbo and Y/n, better get in before that bastard locks us out" You remain silent and followed behind, watching Tommy and Tubbo talk, their words were unclear as your mind was focused on something else. Nevertheless, you were greeted by a tranquil and peaceful ambiance as you entered L'manburg. You would've expected something a lot louder but then again, it is nighttime. Everyone must be asleep by now.

The torches that lit the ground and the waters that remained still, it reminded you of a memory that didn't exist.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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