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Ireland was a place, where Delaney and his family found peace. At least in the first few days. Then when word spread and everybody wanted to meet new rich family, it took a lot of effort to scare unimportant people away and suffer at least for a while the presence of people, that Delaney would have use for. Their life with ups and downs continued. Years were passing by and James with Mary opened their first distillery. Yes, James couldn't just sit in the house and do nothing and making spirits was for him calming. He found peace and quiet in between barrels of whiskey in warehouses and basements. Jameson. Perhaps because his son William was one of greatest inspirations he ever had in his life. His pride. His shadow from the moment he was able to walk. Silent, observing, proud and selfconfident just like both his parents. At the same time a little savage with untamed spirit. To keep good relatios with Dublin, it was one evening that both Mary and James had to come for a dinner to mayor's house. They couldn't tell, who hated these events more, whether Mary or James. In the end it was probably equal state of annoyment. But it wad mostly needed and necesarry. Because they knew mayor needed their support as much as they needed his. James was never a man to take part in politics, he hated that. So a man with these interests had to be in his life. Sitting by the table, wife of mayor was telling them very boring story, how she ordered dress and it came in other shade of blue. Looking at Mary, James thanked every god possible she was never so petty and small. That she was classy no matter from where she came from. She was smart and never dwelt on such stupidities like shades of dress. She could wear bag after potatoes after all and still she'd be the most beautiful woman in room, James thought and turned again toward mayor's wife to at least pretend he was listening to her story. Same as Mary occasionally nodding or making a surprised gasp after the shocking reveal, that her dress originally was ordered to be red. "That's truly outrageous." Shaking her head subtly, she agreed with her distress. God, make her stop, she thought inside her head. But the woman continued her unnecessary to be heard and boring story. For a moment, seeking for a moment of peace from her annoying voice, Mary trailed her eyes on James. It's been years since she met him, their son was already a man and they had two beautiful girls, around five and seven the eldest. But years were kind to James. At least in her eyes he was still the pretty lad, she once met. He was still broad and firm. His beard grew thick and big. Her love for him grew bigger, if that was even possible every day. Her desire never faded away on the contrary, it was blooming in time.

"And eventually, I returned it back to the tailor." She came finally to her conclusion of the story. Mary nodded and cleared her throat.

"And you did well, my dear. These mistakes are unforgiven," Mary agreed to her stupid story, just to make her life easier that moment. But watching James made her smirk slightly as she sipped on her wine. He was sitting across her on the table and Mary slowly took off her velvet skinned shoe from her foot. Her foot reached for his leg under the table. That moment mayor's wife continued telling more of her stories, when Mary started to graze upon his leg, brushing his calf muscle with her toes. With a small tension in his face he blinked his eyes few times and slowly turned his gaze from mayor's wife to Mary. Narrowing his eyes on her, he subtly shook his head in dissaproval. Seriously woman, you decided to torture me here?

"And how about your son, has he already found himself a lady?" Mayor asked, making James turn.

"Frankly, I have no idea. But he is like me in this, he will introduce us a lady, when he'll be sure, she's worth of it," James said and briefly jerked his body, feeling Mary's feet sliding higher toward his knee.

Mary looked at him with a small smile, hearing his words about her Will, but mostly she enjoyed the tense on his face. And for that she reached higher on his knee and his strong thighs. Slowly slipping her leg in between them, she felt him pushing together his knees in order to stop her. "I think William is still young for this. When the time comes, I'm sure, he'll bring the best girl." She smiled proudly and turned to James again as she started to flick her toes teasing his croach.

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