Just In Time

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I was on my way back to Los Angeles from Melbourne, Australia. I kept this a secret from my mother who sent me abroad to study finance. I did get my master's degree in Finance but settling in Australia was out of the question. My passion though is law. I want to become a lawyer just like my late father.

It had been a few moments since I seated myself on my respected seat. Mamma face times me and as I see her calling my phone slipped out of my grip. I decide to take her call after making some arrangements quickly.

Hey honey! How's it going. ~Mum~

Couldn't be better. You alright?~Me~

Over the moon.~Mum~

Mum a seagull just flew over my head [showing her a 4k video of the harbor bridge on my laptop]~Me~

I saw it. It's wonderful. I've made a plan I'll come to you as soon as I retire.~Mum~

Keep your words. you always so.~Me~

Although I didn't want mom to find out about my secret.

The sun looks strong. Come on show me your face.~Mum~

I dropped a bombshell. I can't let her know about my secret. I grab a hand fan of a lil girl seated next to me and blow it in front of the mobile* making windy sound*.
Mamma it's windy at the harbor, i can't hear you. I am hanging up.~Me~
                  * After hanging*
I return the kid her fan as she smirks at me. My lips wide open feeling awkward anyways after flying 13 hours I finally reach Los Angeles.I stock pile my stuff and head to call Collin.

Hey! where are you?~Me~
Am I still your lovely boy~Collin~
You've got one minute to explain.~Me~

My boss is reluctant to go to a medical equipment meeting. So I can't pick you up. ~Collin~

But, Collin I'll be late. ~Me~

Miss please understand. I can't pick you up in person, but I have begged my boss to do it. ~Collin~

Your boss, the senior you told me? The butcher? ~Me~

Correct. But he's only harsh at me. ~Collin~

Get it out. Bye! ~Me~

Bye cousin! ~Collin~

Anyway, I was pushed for time during her arrival in. There was actually another medical emergency that was happening right before my eyes. An elderly passenger collapsed near me. I went to see to him but a gorgeous man took over. He asked me for tissues. I hand over some tissues to him. My eyes still over him not bothering about the elderly patient. Then he told me to call an ambulance instead. I do as told.

In no time the ambulance arrives. Anyway, he left with the patient and I thought that was that. As I don't have a lift, I got my own rent-a-car and was just in time when Darren Legal was just doing an introduction to the new interns. There were five of us and we had to pick a sealed envelope for the place where we will be training. One by one all of us picked up our envelopes and read out the places we will be trained. Everyone gave me a pitying look because I picked Los Angeles Hospital. They were pretty sure I would be the first one to eliminate among the interns. Next day, I reach the hospital early. I was not bothered at all until I got to the hospital and found that the man she had to laze was Trey Miller, the head of neurology, the gorgeous guy from the airport who does not remember me. I was told about Mr. Lin whose case I had to handle, by the director. I knock at the door and he asks me to come in. There he stood holding a patient's medical report while his other hand inside the pocket of his black trousers.

Hello sir, I am a new intern from the general reception office. I am here to learn about the complaints from the patient Mr.Lin. ~Me~

You can get all the info from hospital office. ~ Trey~

I've already done that, only about hospitalization and medication. I need to check details with you. Do you have ten minutes? ~Me~

I am very busy, and I have outpatient patients waiting for me. ~Trey~

I am here to meditate not looking for troubles. He doesn't eat, and you don't explain it. How can I settle it? ~Me~

Meditation is not like a handshake ,if it is that you work will be meaningless. ~Trey~

Thanks for knowing the value of my work*angrily, wanting to punch his face*. Can I come when you are off work*realizing he has to do my work*. ~Me~

You can't. ~Trey~

How can I come to you then? ~Me~

If you're sick you'll be welcomed. ~Trey~

Sick? you are sick. ~Me~

He tried to rebuff all my questions about a particular case that needed mediation.

I was on the rooftop trying to get my frustration out when a nurse said that she was doing Trey a disservice. I was told that Trey was so dedicated to his work, he often does not have time to socialize, to sleep or even eat. Every single minute was allotted to treating his patients. This is the reason that he can't really talk to me. I felt a bit shamed and asked where I can find him.

I found him under a tree as if waiting for someone.

He was at first rather crestfallen when I turned up but then I introduced myself as Dahlia sawyer and raise a hand for a shake.

Before I knew it he was before me tenderly caressing my forehead tofind something. He looked for a scar on my forehead, and when he found it he took me in his arms. I thought it was way the doctors welcome freshers and hugged him lightly.

           Author's note
Hi my dearest readers!😊I hope everyone is fine and in good health. First of all, I would like to thank everyone who leave a comment and vote for this story. I love to know how ya'll feel about the story,so please don't be afraid of leaving a comment.
You can leave the comments in your native language and I will try to find a proper translation. I love to answer all of your comments. Again thanks from the bottom of my heart.❤️💗

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