Chapter 9

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Glenn's POV:

Tyreese drops to the ground to look at his sister. Tears fill his eyes and he just stares at her in shock. Abraham, Sasha, Eugene... who's next?

I bend down and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Tyreese.. I-" I begin.

"Don't! Save it! I already know what you're going to say. 'I'm sorry. I know how it feels.' Well you don't! So just save it" Ty screams.

"Do you know what I do know what it feels like. I lost my mom, dad, sisters. And I'm sorry if that's not enough to prove to you. You're not the only one who's lost somebody. Get over yourself" I say firmly.

A few minutes later Maggie walks into my tent.

"Hey, you okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, I'm just tired of losing people you know?" I reply noticing that she doesn't seem up for a conversation.

"I understand, we all are," she pauses for a moment then continues, "I'm sorry I've never given you a chance to talk about you're family."

"I don't want to talk about them yet. I know it's been a long time, but I'm still not ready."

"Okay. Just come and talk to me when you're ready" she says as she wraps her arms around my neck to pull me into a hug. We sat there for a while, just thinking about things.

Once she leaves I can tell she was putting on a brave face. She keeps talking about how she could've done something or how she should've looked for her. I know she feels guilty, but it's not her fault. None of us could save her, it was just too late. But now she just isn't the same, she doesn't talk much, barley eats, and won't even take a sip of water. It's just all of a sudden this pain is coming back to her.

*1 week later*

It's been about a week and yesterday we ran out of water. Barley any food left, but most of if goes to Judith anyway. But we got to keep going. We're heading to this place, it's supposed to be a sanctuary. Noah's idea, he was headed there with Beth, but she didn't even make it out of the hospital. If it's anything like what he described it should be like the prison, safe, friendly, home like. We need that to keep us going. Most of us now don't have any hope.

Maggie. I'm worried about her. Same with Daryl. It just isn't them anymore. I know it's been almost 4 weeks after Beth, but as time passes it just seems to get worse. She told me the other day she didn't want to live anymore, Daryl barley speaks, not even to Carol. It's the weakest we've ever been, and if we don't get to that place soon I don't know how much longer we'll have.

We are about 60 miles away from our destination, but at the rate we're walking we may never get there. Sometimes we walk all day and night but we usually find someone to hold up for a night or 2 if we're really at our weakest.

Tonight we'll be walking all night and I have to stay by Maggie's side, I don't want her to try anything. I know she's capable of killing herself and I'm not going to let it happen. Everywhere she goes I am. Carol is doing the same with Daryl. I don't think he'll kill himself, but she just wants to be cautious.

"Maggie, talk to me please. I need to know you're okay" I say to break this endless silence.

"Well I'm not okay alright," she bursts out,"I'm sorry it's just, I've been thinking, I could be with them I just have to stop."

"Stop what?" I ask in confusion.

"Trying. I just don't think I have it in me anymore, you know?"

"Maggie, you've got me. Okay? You can't stop trying not this far. Look it's been almost 2 years since the outbreak and you're still here, living, breathing, fighting. We got to keep rolling on. We don't know what might be ahead. Just you got to do it, and if you can't do it for yourself do it for me. Alright? Because I can't do this by myself. We are a team, we got to stick together" she nods her head as a speak.

*The Next Morning*

It's almost sunrise and we're all exhausted. I look back and if you saw us from 20 feet away you'd think we were walkers. So we decide to take a break having only 55 miles left, which too much to handle right now. A few of the group members are going out looking for food and water, but most of us stay and rest. Then we switch off. After about an hour or 2 searching another 4 of us go out looking for anything.


Sorry this is a suckish chapter I just haven't updated in a while bc I've had no time. I try to update every weekend so vote or comment for more!!! Thanks for 1k reads!!!!!!!!

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