Chapter 1-You

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The searing pain of the sudden light blinded you. Voices swam in and out of the blurred image before you while your ears rung painfully. You managed to pick out that you were in a metal type of box packed with supplies through the blur. Thousands of questions weaved through you mind along the lines of: "Where am I?" "Who are theses people?" "Why?" and the most frightening "Who am I?"

Your adjusting eyesight managed to make out a sandy haired boy extending a hand to help and his "Welcome to the Glade, greenie," silenced the ringing. The boy had hazel eyes that twinkled with laughter. His build might've been scrawny back where you came from-wherever that was- but the environment had put some muscles on him. He was good looking, maybe even more than cute.

You gladly accepted the hand, formulating a plan while climbing up.

A barren field with a couple neglected buildings greeted you alongside about 17 boys. Woods squatted nearby, but that was about it. Except for huge walls that sent another whirlwind of questions.

You opened your mouth to voice the whirlwind of questions, but the sandy haired boy stopped you with an outstretched palm.

"Names Newt. You'll be getting your answers tomorrow-well, some anyways," He spoke in a lovely accent, one you couldn't place.

Before you could even register what you were doing, you had grabbed the outstretched hand and had him in a choke hold with a slender knife to his throat. Where had you even gotten the knife?

Instantly, chaos erupted within the band of boys. Several made attempts to help their fallen colleague-"Newt". But you simply pressed the knife deeper, not breaking the skin yet.

"Take one more step, and he's dead," You threatened the crowd. Newt gulped.

"Hey, put the knife down, greenie. We just want to talk," A dark-skinned, broad-shouldered guy said calmly. But you could see the hardness in his eyes and knew their would no "talking" just executing or whatever worse they had planned. And you sure weren't stickin' around to find out.

You had figured this Newt was their leader judging by the way everyone looked at him as you climbed out of the box, but it was clear now you had taken the wrong guy. Newt was the guy they wanted to be in charge, but the dark skinned boy was the real deal.

"I don't why I'm here. I don't even know who I am! I don't have any information! What do you want from me?!" Your voice rose in pitch, hysterical.

"We can see that. We can help. Just let Newt go or your gonna wish you did," He threatened and nodded.

The gesture confused you, until a blunt pain sharpened in your head. Stars swam before your vision in a "Welp. I'm scewed" moment. You let yourself succumb to the darkness, grateful for the relief of pain and the torture of unanswered questions it offered. Newt's deep hazel eyes, creased with worry-even though you basically tried to kill him- was the last thing you saw.

"Hello Isaac Newton," You giggled in a moment of pure insanity before the darkness took you back under it's hold.


First time with a xReader story, so feedback would appreciated! 😃 Hope you enjoyed!

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