Chapter 3-You

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["Are you sure you can do this?" An authoritative voice, for some reason, annoys you

"Look, I know what I'm doing," You sighed.

"But what about the variables-" she starts to sound frantic

"Shut up!" I growl " you think I care about your d*** variables? No! I'm doing this for my brother, not because I give a s*** about WICKED! I made where I stood quite clear"

The authoritative voice sighed "Fine. Just make sure this goes according to plan." You see yourself giving a curt nod and climbing up in the box.]

You wake up soaked in sweat, puzzling over the strange dream.

You glance to your side, making sure Newt is still in the cot next to yours. After they finally let you out of the Slammer, Newt showed you around what they called "The Glade". It was all so confusing, but you had to admit, impressive. It was fascinating that these boys had created within themselves a functioning society with rules and penalties.

What was more fascinating was Newt himself. You wouldn't go as far as to say that you liked him romantically, but he was pretty aesthetically pleasing. With the sandy blonde hair and eyes that constantly whrirred with mystery and emotion. He was also kind hearted, yet strong from what you could gather. Frankly, you didn't trust anyone else as much.

As if prodded from sleep by your thoughts of him, Newt stirred. Hastily, you tried to conceal that you had been looking at him.

Half asleep, he crawled from the cot to somewhere unknown. Pausing by your cot, he gently smoothed your hair said "Get up!" as loudly as he dared.

You jerked upwards; thinking your were going to be whispered to. Almost colliding with his nose you wince and say "I think you killed my eardrums"

Newt laughs "Sorry greenie. If you wanna be a runner, your eardrums aren't gonna be the only thing that's dead"

You scowled. The subject of being a runner had caused a rift between you two. While you felt called to the maze, Newt expressed his option frequently of it being too "bloody dangerous".

"I know what your gonna ask, and the answer is no" Newt called from the hallway while you changed.

You pouted but relentlessly brought up the subject all through breakfast and to the maze doors.

"Don't die. Actually, know that I think about it, please do," You say in parting.

"You shank," Newt laughed

"Can I at least go with you," You spring the question last minute "I know what I'm doing! You've explained it time and time again"

Newt started to protest, but thought better of it "Fine." He caved in "maybe then you'll see" he added under his breath

Yes! Your finally getting in the maze! Maybe then you'll find out why you feel so called to it...

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