Chapter 2-Newt

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"I told you we should have taken her to the homestead and let the Med-jacks look at her first! She probably died, you bloody shank!" I ran my hand through my hair in irritation.

"Look Newt, she broke one of rules already. In fact, she was trying to kill you. I would've thought you'd be the first to in line to wave goodbye," Alby reasoned. "She's lucky we haven't banished her. Yet" He added.

"Yeah, but-" I stuttered. I sighed, unable to explain.

"She has this... this... something about her. Didn't you hear what she said?" I tried.

Ably grimaced. "Newt, No one knows about their past! And that ain't gonna help you!" Ably pointed to the cell where the greenie lay, still unconscious.

"She's confused and scared Alby! Remember how you felt as a greenie? Of course she's gonna panic, waking up in a glade full of boys. You would think the worse too! She bloody reacted differently, quite bravely I might add," For some reason, I defended her. I gazed over at her slender body with her (h/c) in a ponytail with bangs that framed her luminous (e/c) eyes.

"You gotta be kidding me. Don't tell me you have a crush on the girl that tried to decapitate you! She's bad news," Ably groaned

"I barley know her! Of course I don't!" Which is true, who knows what she's like. Looks can be deceiving; she could be a bloody irritating shank.

Ably rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond but a strangled groan from the girl stopped him.

"What the...?" She picked herself up and slowly took in her surroundings. It must have come back to her because realization passed through her (e/c) eyes. She let out a shrill shriek and backed into the farthest corner from us.

"Hey girlie, we don't bite," I smiled at her.

Ably threw up his hands "Newt you shank, give it to her straight."

"Ignore him," I said. She looked back and forth between us, eyes flitting everywhere in the room.

"Listen up, cause I'm only gonna say this once. We have a very simple set of rules here in the glade. You managed to break one of them in the first 30 seconds. Your serving time, then we'll decide if your staying," Alby glared. Or growled. Maybe both.

"Staying?" She squeaked "What do you mean? Where else am I gonna go?"

"That's for us to know, and you to hopefully find out," Alby tossed over his shoulder as he exited through the crude doorway.

"Again, ignore him. We already had a gathering and they're giving you another chance," I explained.

"You realize that answers none of my questions," She stated, irritated. I stared at her, trying to figure out what she was doing here and why. She had whispered something to me before she blacked out; I know I shouldn't give myself false hope, but what if she knows?!

"Newt!" She snapped her fingers in an attempt to get my attention.

"Yea, sorry," I blushed. Her fingers were like ballerinas I thought absentmindely as she tapped them against a jean-clad knee.

"Well first off, your in the Glade. No one has ever remembered anything about before when they come up in the box. Someone put us here; The day is artificial light as well as the sun. And yes, we have tried to escape. Many times, all bloody failures"

"Glade? Box? Maze?" She wrinkled her nose in confusion

"This is the Glade, where you are. We have the homestead, map building, and gardens, bloodhouse, as well as the slammer which you have the pleasure occupying. Everyone does their part, so don't be getting any ideas that you get to relax while the test of us bloody bust our butts. That brings us to the rules: Everyone does there part, Never harm another glared, and.Never go outside the glade, unless your runner," I explained to her.

Again, a look if confusion passed through her face. She opened her mouth to ask, but I beat her to it.

"Oh bloody scrap it. I'll give you a tour after your out," Its too hard to explain.

"Why would someone do this?" She spoke the one of the questions that was on everyone's mind.

I shrugged. "Who knows, greenie"

"So I guess I owe you an apology for trying to take your head off," She blushed and studied the floor.

"Hey no problem," I laughed "Everyone panics when they come up in the box" Which is true, but know ones' tried to kill each other. She looks like she wants to take flight and be free, as do we all.

"My name's not greenie. It's (Y/N)" She smiled

The name rolled through my subconscious throughout the rest of the day. Don't get your hopes up, you hopeless romantics. While it was a pretty name, it sounded so bloody familiar, like I would wake up the next day and know exactly who she was.

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