all teh romaaaaance

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Returning to consciousness this time was like waking up from the best sleep of my life. I felt refreshed, fully energized and happy. With my eyes still closed, I slowly stretched out with a yawn, realizing I was back in my Organic mode. 

"Tara! I see you have finally decided to join me."

My eyes snapped open as I found myself quickly looking over in the direction of a familiar voice.

"Professor Sumdac..?" I asked in a bit of a mumble, slowly sitting up and rubbing my eyes, re-adjusting my vision before returning my attention to him. Glancing around, I realized I was in the Professor's lab, with Project: Onix being held up by cables and straps at my right. How did that get here? How did get here? The more questions I asked myself, the more I remembered what had happened so recently. 

As my eyes widened, I quickly got up and rushed over to Isaac, grabbing him by the shoulders without giving him a chance to reply to my obvious question. Before I even opened my mouth, I just had to hug him. He was one of the few human beings on this planet I didn't hate. "Professor, how did I get here?"

Looking up at me with widened eyes, he stuttered a little at first in his response. "Y-you were brought here by a Cybertronian." He paused a second to think. "He seemed like one of those Decepticons, but he did not threaten me when he brought you here..Nor hold me against my will."

My lips took the form a slight frown as I glanced to the side, whispering, "Blitzwing.."

"So you know this fellow?" The Professor asked, raising both eyebrows at me in question.

"Y-yeah, he's...A friend.." I cut another glance to the side, then returned my attention to Isaac with a blink of my eyes, releasing his shoulders from my grasp. "But where is he? How long have I been out?" 

Concern touched Isaac's eyes as he frowned a bit with his response. "You've out for more than a week, Tara...And your friend left two days ago, but only because he couldn't stay." 
I couldn't quite respond yet, too busy wrapping my mind around the situation. Before I could respond, Isaac proceeded to speak. "The two of you must be very close. He stayed by your side for three days straight." The Professor's eyes cut over to where Blitzwing must have been sitting while I was unconscious. "He never left your side. He was always asking if you would be alright, even though I told him you just needed recovery time."

"Oh, God.." My eyebrows came together, concern filling my gaze as a sigh drifted from my lips. Knowing Blitzwing, she was afriad he might have gone back to slaughter the Decepticons out of revenge for what they did to the both of us. That thought quickly consumed my thoughts. 

Quickly looking back at my Cybertronian body displayed on the wall, I narrowed my gaze, taking notice that my conscience-transfer equipment was all there. I didn;t know how, but at the time I didn't care. Turning around and walking over to the chair that was needed for the transfer, I ignored the fact that Isaac was asking that I sit back down, saying I needed to rest. But I had been resting for too long.

Without hesitation, I put on the helmet, tapped in a code on a datapad connected to the helmet and chair, then closed my eyes, allowing my conscience to be drawn from my body and transferred over into Project: Onix.

When my vision returned, I immediately knew the transfer was successful; I felt taller, stronger, and actually a little less energized than I did before. But that didn't matter. I was quick to thank Isaac before taking my leave of the building. I ran over to the opposite side of the room, leaping out of the nearest massive, open window, and plummeting a few feet before transforming and blasting off towards the woods surrounding the city. The first place I headed towards was the blackout zone, where I hoped to find my partner alive and well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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