Philly boy goes to England Part 1

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Phil wakes up from his wet dream covered in cum. ugh, he had that dream about prince Phillip again. he then realized he needed to go to England to breathe the same air as Mr. Phillip.on his plane ride to England, he had that same dream 


Phil; ugh oh by I love you inside my ass

Phillip; your ass is so tight (called over butler to give him lube) *he lathers it all over his lover's perky buttocks* 

phil; thx boo I think it's time for me to suck.

(he pulls the pants of the balding man's member Phillip couldn't help but let out a long hard moan that shook the blue-eyed man to his core)

Phil; daddy I love your moans 

Phillip;*would you like some peanuts*

Phill; what??

phillip:*sir wake up*

at that moment phill realised he was on a plane to England and not getting fucked by prince Phillip

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