Vibe Bio

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Name: Cisco Ramon

Alias: Vibe, The Vibrator Energy Hero, The Genius Guy

Character Type: Hero, Protagonist


Age: 17

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Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Meta Human

Affiliation: Star Labs, Team Flash

Occupation: Scientist, Member

Background: Cisco Ramon was son of Mr Ramon & Ms Ramon and have brother known as Dante, he was bully by other high school student and he collected high tech magazines & interest mechanic at young age. However his parent care for Dante and he knew he was being under-appreciated, he join Star Labs and he distant away from his family

Likes: His friend, Himeka Sadamori, Ben Allen, Helping people, Saving people, Making an invention, Listening music, Spending day with Himeka

Dislikes: Gold Drive/Reverse Flash, Roidmude, Huge, Bully, Pervert, Idiot, People who hurt his friend, People who use science for evil

Love Interest: Himeka Sadamori

Love Interest: Himeka Sadamori

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Vibe [Primary Suit]

Vibe [Primary Suit]

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I just love a good pop culture reference in a moment of crisis.

- OH MY GOD!!!

- Me and my big mouth!

Assault Lily Bouquet: The Fasted OneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora