How they react to you cutting your hair!

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This fic is for my fellow pixie cut/ short haired chicks lol

Pronouns in these stories/ gender mentions: she/her/hers or fem presenting. 

Characters- Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Denki Kaminari, Ejirou Kirishima 

Izuku Midoriya : You and Deku had been friends since you were children, around the ages of 4-5 and you have been by each others sides since you started dating a little after you all moved into the dorms at UA. Ever since you were a little girl you had long hair, you loved messing with it while you studied, or throwing it in braids while you trained to feel more bad ass. But as of late it's just been soooo much work to keep up with and keep out of ur face. So u decided to go SHORT and get a fluffy pixie cut. After it had been cut you walked into Dekus room, knocking on the door as u opened it " hey brocoli boy! its meee. " You saw him just sitting on his bed lazily on his phone, he hadn't looked up at you yet. " oh hey hun, I was just about to send you this tiktok I found!" he smiles and showed you his phone screen as he sat up. His eyes landed on you and his jaw dropped, he ran over to you, standing in-front of you. " WOW! Puppy you look amazing! " he giggled and ran his hand threw your hair. "You've had long hair since before you had a quirk- why the sudden change?" he stammered out still smiling at you with amazement. " I dunno- just felt like it... do you like it?"  You looked up at him slightly worried that he didn't think the look suited you. " Like it?! I LOVE IT! You look stunning, and it lets me see more of your beautiful face" he said letting out a small giggle. 


Katsuki Bakugo: It was around 3 in the morning, you were sitting on the floor of Minas room, Mina laid on her bed like a star fish and Sero was lazily sitting in her desk chair. You mentioned to the two others,  you wanted to cut your hair and before you knew it Sero was standing next to you with a pair of scissors. Before you could think it threw or ask anyones opinion, about 6 inches of hair was on the floor. You gasped at amazing it felt and decided to suprise Katsuki with the new style in the morning. 

- next morning- 

You stood looking into the common room fridge lazily, looking for the orange juice. Bakugo rounded the corner into the kitchen looking down at his feet as he walked, still trying to wake up. " good morning my darling" you said happily looking over at him as you took the Orange juice out of the fridge. He looked up at you " Hi, teddy bear" he went to get a coffee mug before taking a double take. " Where'd your hair go?!'' He asked in shock, he walked over to you and tucked a strand behind your ear. No one ever saw him but when you cuddled he loved messing with your hair. " relax Katsuki, there is still enough hair your you to play with" you set your cup down and rested your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around him. "Sush. The whole class doesn't need to know... but just so you know I think it looks good on you" he admitted with a smirk. " Thank you bub.'' 


Denki Kaminari - A game of truth or dare had gone south and before you knew it you had less hair then you started the day with and you had a pixie cut. It was Hagakure who held the scissors. You had gotten yelled at by Aizawa for making a mess in the bathroom but he did give you a compliment that the hair cut looked nice on you. Everyone in the dorms loved it, the only person who hasn't seen it yet was your favorite lighting bolt. You knocked sheepishly on this door " Loverboyyyyy" you called as you opened his bed room door " what do you think?" He gawked at you in awe " wow. y/n... darling.. sugar plum... you look bad ass." he got up and ran a hand threw your new shortly cut hair, he gave a small giggle " omg can we dye a lighting bolt into it so we can match?!?" he buzzed in excitment " glad to know you like it" you leaned your head on his shoulder as he messed with your hair " come on, lets lay down and cuddle so I can mess with your hair properly." Denki said this and swept you off your feet and carried you to his bed as he kicked the door shut with his foot as he turned happily. 


Kirishima: Believe it or not it was his idea for you to get a short haircut, he thought you would look amazing and that it would help you see clearer during hero training. You had sported a standard long hair cut the whole time he knew you, so it could be cool to get a new look. So you got the courage to get it cut. You could trust Kiri to dye your hair any day but maybe not cut it... so you made an apointment to get it done by a professional. 4 pm on saturday was when you got it done. You decided to go really short so you could donate the hair to a place that could make wigs for kids. Kiri stood behind you and filmed the first big cut. 

- lil time skip- 

After it was done you beamed a bright smile at him as the chair spun around. " Pebble that is so manly.- But not like u look like a guy manly but donating your hair is really manly" he stammered as he held the back of his neck in embarrassment. You stood and took of the hair cut cape. You shook some of the lose hair off and kissed his cheek. " Thank you baby." 

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