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Hi my friends, it's been so long!

I hope you're doing fine.

If I have ever done you wrong,

Please know the fault is mine.

All of whom to me are dear

please find yourselves a seat.

I can't stay long because I fear

I have more guests to greet.

Do forgive, I got no beer.

Should I make you some coffee?

Some juice, or tea, for you my peer?

Or rather something classy?

I'm glad you were able to come

on such a very short notice.

I recall when we used to hum

as one back in the office.

It must've cost my dad a lot

to arrange such an event.

So bear with him and leave him not

and give a compliment.

I missed you too, no need to cry.

At last we're now complete.

After the years that passed us by

Why, isn't this a treat?

I do admire our plain attire,

I love this costume party.

All in black without retire

And white and nothing naughty.

All is well, so save that tear

and take this lonely muffin.

It feels so good to see you here

from inside this lovely coffin.

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