Royals meeting

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(H) *walking down halls*

"Presenting the royal suo family"

(R) welcome mr.suo

(S) it is nice to see you again mr.fujioka how has it been with my sons work?

(R) he does a great job

(S) that's good

(T) hello your highness

(H) father what's going on?

(R) the royal meeting between each night and their families

(Y) *walks out of carriage*

(K) father

(Y) how is my boy behaving?

(K) I'm good father

(Y) I want you to marry the princess

(K) that's what each of these parents want for their son's I'm not the only person that they want to have marry the princess

(R) men women please come this way to the dining hall

(H) *walks with ranka*

(S) mr.fujioka this meeting was addressed to see which man shall marry the princess

(Y) I volunteer my son kyoya the purple knight to marry the princess

(S) well I volunteer mine the red knight to marry her

(R) you can't volunteer your sons to marry her either way I may choose red to marry her

(H) it's not your choice

(R) what was that haruhi?

(H) I said it's not your choice you told me I choose who I marry you don't make my choice on who I want to marry to have take over as the next king it's not your choice father

(R) it can be my choice and it's not right for a princess to raise her voice at the king infront of other kings

(H) this wasn't the way mom went through with choosing her king, her father didn't choose you he tried controlling her life making him pick who would marry her but mother spoke up and chose you because you were the man she loved so why can't I do the same thing!?

(R) is their someone else you love?

(H) yes their is father

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