princess's choosing

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(H) *kisses kyoya* I choose you

(T) the princesses choice

(R) you choose kyoya

(H) yes I do father hes been my choice for a long time

(R) well then the princess has officially chosen her king

(T) you love kyoya?

(H) *holds kyoya's hand* for a while I have but we hid our love until now

(K) I'm in love with the princess

(Y) son

(K) father

(H) king yoshio

(Y) your joining the fujioka kingdom?

(K) yes father I will marry haruhi and I will be king here and not at the ootori kingdom

(Y) you would have a long wait there while your brothers and sister take over

(K) but now I'm making adult decisions by marrying the princess

(R) well looks like we have some wedding decisions to be making

(K) I'll be haruhi's king but as a king I will let my queen make the decisions because this is her kingdom

(R) you sound like a great king

(Y) first every one of these men have taken over as royal knights everyone of them grew up with the princess and now the next king for this kingdom has been decided

(K) I will take care of her just like I have as her knight

(R) you risked your own life to save her today

(K) it definitely was an adrenaline rush to rescue her, but I knew I had to take my leap of faith a whole different way to save the life of the princess I love

(T) we all would have risked our lives to save the life of the princess but kyoya was the first to arrive to rescue her and she already knew what her heart wanted

(H) my heart chose kyoya

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