Chapter 4

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#Nova's POV#

I get home a little bit later, to find out i only have 30 minutes till i meet with my victms today. Its been awhile since I've killed two people at the same time. What happens is, i find pople who have a crush on each other and i write a love letter for them to meet their "cush" there. So they met the crush and then thats where i come in. We chit chat for a little till i kill them.

So today my victms are Sally and Brandon. They've been in love with each other, since forever. But im going to kill them so nothing will happen between them.

I get ready in my usual black clothing, and my put in my black contacts that cover my whole eye, and paint the black blood below my eyes. Then I quickly jog down the steps of my house, grab my knife and run out the house; to go to where Sally and Brandon are. I get there in less than 10 minutes and smirk as i see them talking, then I gag as they laugh and smile.

I watch for a little bit and step out of the shadows as my shoes clack on the pavement. "Ah.. Young Love.. isnt it beautiful?" I scoff out in disgust, "i hate when people are in love, it makes me sick." I hiss as i advance towards them. i smirk as i see the girl flinches and the guys jaw tightens. "Ah your Sally and Brandon? i imagined you would be prettier Sally...." i say as i look at her. "And you i thought youd be uglier, B-ran-don." i say in disgust.

"Hey.. how do you know our names.....?" Sally asks frightened.

I laugh, "Girly i know everything." i say as my voice darkens. "And i know you two arent going to be be able to see the morning sun tomorrow." i smirk evily as in grab Sally and push her down as i look at Brandon and twirl my knife around in my fingers. "Come at me bro." I growl as I get in a fighting stance.

He runs towards me and i dodge him and i cut him and Sally shrieks as he callopses to the ground. i kneel down beside him as i put the knife and slit his throat. "you were in my way." i hiss at the corpse, then my head snaps to Sally as she lays on the ground bawling. "Awe is baby Sawey crying?" i say in a baby voice and i jump on her putting the knife on her nek.

"Sally i have some news for you.. You will never love Brandon again, and Brandon will never love you again." i say as i quickly finish the job by slitting her throat.

I grunt as i stand up before i feel cold metal placed on my neck. "Nice job girly.." the person hisses in my ear, obiously its a guy. "So... my friends been watching you for a couple weeks and he thinks hes going insane...." He grunts, "Now.. help him or Go To Sleep." he whispers in my ear. I knew only one person who says that Phrase.

Jeff the KIller.


Sorry its sucky... im writing it on my computer so... but im so happy.. almost 50 reads! im so happy :D i hope i can raise them. :3


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