Chapter 8

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#Nova's POV#

I groan as I roll my eyes, 'I don't like him.. He's just teasing.. I don't have room to like someone.. Plus love is disgusting..' I say to myself.

I finish my apple and get up to throw away the apple core, once it's thrown away I go to my room and change into something else. That being shorts and a black tank top. Then I grab my board and quickly leave my house.

I place my board on the ground and hop on it riding away from my house. As I ride around I notice missing papers all around and I roll my eyes, scoffing as I ride past them.

I soon see a Starbucks and ride over to it, getting off my board and picking it up. I walk inside and wait in line as I do I see one of my closest friends talking with his girlfriend. As I force myself to look away, I sigh, a heavy sigh.

Earlier yesterday I had sent a letter to him and his girlfriend to meet at abandoned mall. I felt guilty because I was going to be killing one of my friends, but... They were in love..

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