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- Atticus is the worst, most restless sleeper of all time

- Spencer has a habit of stealing blankets in the middle of the night

- One time Atticus was trying to explain that Spencer wasn't close enough even though she was basically laying on top of him

- "I just- -it sounds creepy! I wanna fuse our bodies together so we live as one entity or...something! I don't know!"

- "You're right that does sound really creepy, but....yes."

- Atti gets so excited when she passes a level or completes a video game that you'd think she's a 12 year old boy

- She is always doing something stupid that she shouldn't be doing:

- "Atti, what are you doing?"

- "I bought a grill."

- "This has to be the dumbest thing you've ever purchased and honestly, that's saying a lot."

- Spencer has a habit of leaving his Converse in the middle of the floor

- And Att ALWAYS trips over them

- He'll hear her yell his name from wherever he's standing and he just knows he's in trouble

- Her new hobby is getting the dumbest things Spencer says tattooed on her

- Or just her favorite things he says

- And she'll get them in a weird spot, like the back of her arm

- Spencer loves any time she's singing but especially when she sings in a lower key

- He finds it soothing

- He also likes studying her lyricism, it gives him a better insight on the depths of her mind

- Atticus LOVES using her intelligence to fuck with people

- She'll spend like 15 minutes convincing someone that what she told them was a scientifically proven fact (it was something she just made up)

- And she'll "swear to god."

- Then Spencer will chime in from across the room

- "Don't believe her! She's an atheist, that means nothing to her!"

- "God damn it, Spence."

- People ask Att all the time if she filed down her K-9 teeth

- And she just looks at them and is like

- "No, motherfucker these are just my teeth😐"

- It happens so often that it was a running joke at every school she's ever attended

- Whenever they go thrift shopping Spencer unknowingly finds very nostalgic items and Atti's so supportive of it

- "Atti, look!"

- "A PEZ dispenser! Very nice, Spencer."

- Despite her phobia of bugs, Atticus is big on animal rights because she knows that animals who can have an IQ the same as hers or Spencer's shouldn't be kept in captivity

- She refuses to go to zoos or aquariums that don't rescue all their wildlife

- They're definitely the type of people that get super excited whenever they see a squirrel

- And Atti always wants to hold them/pet them

- "Bubba, you can't hold them. They might have rabies not to mention the hundreds of other possible diseases."

- "It's fine, worst case scenario we go to the ER and they give me a rabies shot."

- "You're not allowed to hold the squirrel."

- "You're no fun."

- Atticus has somehow managed to reach Spencer how to use a laptop

- Barely

- And he still prefers everything on paper instead

- Spencer loves sour candy

- For being two geniuses, they are actual children

- Like immaturity to the max



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- Ok I can't really explain that last one but just

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- Ok I can't really explain that last one but just...yes.

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