Bonus Content: Part V

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a/n: ok this was supposed to be a festive April Fool's extra chapter, but like usual I posted it late's Spencer and Atticus pranking each other in the beginning of their relationship (I'm thinking like 3 months of hooking up but they were basically dating and just hadn't put a label on it bc Atti really said 'no❤️' to commitment. even though she literally tells him she loves him🙄)

(also, in the spirit of me being behind schedule--YA'LL REMEMBER WHEN I POSTED A CHRISTMAS CHAPTER IN THE MIDDLE OF JANUARY LMAO)


When Spencer walked into Atti's apartment he was met with her scurrying up and down the hall while tossing random loose articles of clothing around. Doing this kind of thing was fairly normal for her, she was prone to losing things constantly but her apartment had never seemed so tornado-ish.

She looked at Spencer absentmindedly but did a double-take once his presence slightly processed in her mind, "Holy fuck! You've really gotta stop fucking doing that. I didn't even hear the lock turn--did you even use the key I gave you?"

"Didn't need to. The door was unlocked. Which, you really have to stop doing. It's not safe."

"Spence, how many times do I have to tell you this--"

"Even if someone did break into my apartment, nobody and nothing is gonna take me out unless it's me or some deadly disease.", they spoke in unison, earning him a mildly annoyed glance from Atticus.

"But, seriously, Atti--you shouldn't just leave your door practically wide open."

"Ok, Spencer. You can lecture me like I'm a small child later, I promise. But right now, have you seen my riveter?"

"No.", he answered quickly. Too quickly. She squinted at him as if trying to delve deeper into the many layers of Dr. Spencer Reid.

"You may be one hell of a poker player, but you're also the worst liar I know."

"Why would I be lying about that?"

"I don't know yet. I just know you're lying."

"No, you don't.", Spencer started toying with the strap on his satchel.

"Oh, yes I do. And you wanna know how? Your face is flushed, your eyes are wider than usual and you're avoiding eye contact which is weird since I'm one of the only people you actually make eye contact with, and you're playing with your satchel just like you always do when you're nervous. Which all leads to the ridiculous question, what the fuck do you know about the placement of my riveter?"

"Did you leave it in the--what's the thing that hangs off the side called?"

"A saddlebag...?"

"Yes! That one--that thing! Did you leave it in there?"

"I don't kn--", she tossed her keys into her hand from their place on the couch, "Well, are you coming or not?", Spencer shook his head slightly as if to clear his mind, and followed behind her, "I'll actually lock the door this time--see?"

"There's not really a point in locking the door if you're not in there."

"What do you mean? Yes, there is. I don't wanna have to replace all of my crap."

"That's what you're worried about? Atti, I know you think that you're invincible but that doesn't change the fact that leaving your door unlocked is dangerous!"

"I'm sorry, are you insinuating that I'm not invincible?", she flipped the bag on the side of her motorcycle, "Spencer, it's not in here. Where the hell is it because I swear to god I am about two seconds away from losing my god damn mind.", she let out a weak attempt of a laugh.

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