How do I Tell You I Love You?

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To My Love,

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To My Love,

How do I tell you I love you? How do I tell you how much you truly mean to me?

How can I tell you when my brain shuts down and all the courage I have left to make me tell you everything that I want to runs dry?

Oh how I want to tell you that I never thought someone would mean so much to me. I want to tell you that your smile makes me so happy and warm inside, your hugs make me feel safe, that one forehead kiss made me feel wanted and reassured, heck, just talking to you makes my day a whole lot better! Sometimes to most times I just look at you and wonder how I got to be so lucky!

Your brown eyes are so warm and kind, so welcoming and I love getting lost in them, your hair is so fluffy, I have to resist the urge to play with it. Your laugh gives me life and your smile makes me blush. But boy when I make you blush and flustered- Gosh, I love you more than you know...

But how does a boy like you like a girl like me? How did you manage find me within all the people of our school? How did you find me when I was invisible? What about me made you develop feelings for me? Why- why'd you choose me out of anyone else? You could have had anyone you wanted, and yet you seen me, you seen the girl who was new to this school freshman year, the girl who was pretty much invisible, the one who accepted the fact she wasn't going to be noticed and started to live in the shadows...

But you, you seen me, smiled warmly in welcoming, grabbed my hand and pulled me out from the darkness of the shadows...

You were the one to keep trying to talk to me even though I was too awkward and shy to even get words out of my mouth. You were the first to remember my name even when I didn't even know your name yet...

I wanted to get to know you, I really did! You seemed to have caught my attention from the very start. You just stood out to me, and in the best way possible, I promise. My love, you made me remember how I used to be before I started caring about what other people thought and you made me want to become a person who could care less about what anyone said and just to be true to myself.

To be honest, I didn't have a crush on you right away. It seemed like it was more of an interest in who you were and what kind of person you were... I never got the guts to talk to you, but I did observe from a distance, I noticed how great of a guy you were and how fun you seemed to be. Sometimes I almost got the guts to start talking my to you, but my brain shut me down and I kept my mouth shut. But you, you kept trying to spark a conversation between us, you reminded me that I was being noticed, that I was worthy of someone's attention, and by a handsome boy too I might add-

Now that I look back on it, I thought I had pushed away those feelings and had gotten over you, but I guess I never did. I always caught myself wondering what you were doing, I wondered if you'd be in class that day, I wondered what you were drawing in your sketchbooks, and what you were writing on your computer...

You always had a way of making me smile no matter what you did, just some examples are when I saw you were at school, when you asked me to be your partner for group work in our Spanish class- You stuck with me even though I tried to run... You didn't give up and you just ran right after me... and now, now in our Junior year you confessed to me and now we've been dating for 3- almost 4- months. Heh, I guess got up the courage to do something I never would have. Good job, my love...

I wouldn't want to be anyone else's girl, only yours... Good job my guy, you're stuck with me!

Anyways, there's one more thing I got to tell you. Thank you. Thank you so much for everything you've done. You've made my life so much better and happier than I've ever noticed it being, I love you so much it scares me sometimes, just thinking of the possibility you'll find someone else, someone much prettier and better than me and it'll make you leave me behind- It hurts... But if it means you'll be happy, then I- I'll let you go, it'd hurt a lot, but if you're happy, so be it...

I've never felt this way about anyone, this much before and I don't think I'll be able to let myself be vulnerable to someone else again, so please... Please don't leave me, I love you so so much... I don't know anyone else I'd rather walk down the aisle to and become their wife, and to have a family with.

There I said it, I said my piece and now I must go. I love you so much you don't even know, heh, when you tell me you love me more, you better be prepared to have some hands thrown because I clearly love you the most. I love you, my love and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you. <3
🌸 Hiya! This is just a prompt I got from Pinterest and I just wrote about a girl who struggles with telling/showing her emotions, so she writes her boyfriend a love letter :D
~March 1st, 2021~

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