Invisible Friend

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"Big brother? Everything's going dark, where are you?"

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"Big brother? Everything's going dark, where are you?"

"I'm right here, Isabella,"

"Oh..." The little girl yawned,  her eyes could hardly stay open anymore, "big brother, I'm tired..."

"You should sleep, Bella," He paused as he leaned forward and kissed her head, combing her bangs to the side of her face with his fingers, "I love you."

"I love y-" The little girl fell deep into her permanent state as those were her final words to the only person she knew and loved.
Her brother cried as he held the limp girl in his arms, hugging her close as he cried into her hair.

She was gone.
A bright light disturbed Isabella's slumber as she fluttered them open and shut them tightly at her eyes being exposed to the harsh light.
"It's time to wake up little one," A soft, angelic voice spoke and the harsh light was gone.
Isabella fluttered her eyes open again and saw a young purple tinted haired girl with blue eyes dressed in a red knee length dress.

Isabella would guess she was around 17 years old. She slowly sat up and looked around at her surroundings curiously, "Where am I?"

The girl smiled and offered her a hand to help her up, Isabella smiled shyly and took the girls hand and stood back up on her bare feet. She now saw that they were both standing in the middle of a field of soft tall grass with the occasional wild flowers.

"You're in a nameless world, come I'll show you to our village. What's your name little one?" She asked as Isabella took her hand in hers again and the brunette begun to lead her down a path of slightly packed down grass, she must have come up here often.

"Isabella, miss." She spoke softly. The brunette chuckled at her cuteness, "Well, Isabella my name is Diana. I think you're going to like it here."

Isabella nodded and looked ahead of them, taking in all the pretty scenery, it seemed untouched and unharmed, "What am I doing here? Where's my big brother?"

Diana stopped and looked down at the little girl. She smiled slightly before she took a deep breath and knelt down in front of the little brunette haired girl, "You're going to live here now, you're going to help us help lonely boys and girls and give them someone to rely on."
"Oh. Did I die? I know I was very sick before I fell asleep. I was in a hospital gown, I had my own room there at the hospital, the doctors were really nice."

Diana looked away and that gave Isabella her answer. She did die. She left her big brother alone, she knew it wasn't her fault, she was born sick, she was growing up sick, most of her life was spent in the hospital. She never could remember what was wrong with her, but whatever it was she didn't feel tired or the pain anymore, it was completely gone now...

"Shall we continue?" Diana asked as she stood back up and brushed some dirt off her legs.
Isabella nodded and took Diana's hand again and they continued on their way.
"So I help girls and boys like me and I become a friend to them?"

Diana nodded as she stood next to the tall man, Isabella learned his name was Alexander. "I do the same thing you're going to be doing, I'll help you with your assigned person if you'd like, Isabella." Diana stood there with a small, warm smile in her face as her hands her crossing him front of her.

The little girl nodded. "Perfect, now, are you ready or do you want to explore and settle down for a bit?"

"I'd like to meet my new friend."

Diana nodded, "Alright, Alexander we shall be going. Don't eat my chocolate chip cookies while I'm gone. I mean it."

Alexander chuckled, "If you say so, I'll just have to resist the urge."

Diana chuckled before Isabella and her walked out of the room and went out back to a clearing. It was night now, the only light allowing them both to see was the full moon and the stars shining down. Isabella gasped when she saw a pool of water in the center of the clearing, you could see the moon and stars clearly reflected on the water, and along the pool were flowers.

Diana stopped for a moment, making Isabella stop as well. Diana then picked a couple roses and gave one to her. Isabella's first reaction was to smell the flower. She giggled and looked back up at Diana.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"We throw out flowers into the pool of water over there, the moon water will transport us to your new friend."

Isabella jumped up, "Really?! That's so cool!"

Diana chuckled, "Ready? Now!"

They both tossed their roses into the pool and Isabella opened her mouth in awe as she watched the roses dissolve in front of them before her eyes. Suddenly, the white brick path underneath their feet started to glow brightly.

"Hold on!" Diana announced as Isabella grabbed her hand and closed her eyes at the bright light. Then she felt the sudden sensation of flying, were they flying?! The little girl giggled at the feeling, she felt disappointed when she couldn't feel that feeling anymore and she could tell she was back on the ground again.

"Now your new friend won't be able to see me, because I'm not as special as you are to them, but know that I'll stay with you as long as you want me to."

Isabella nodded as she looked at the crying boy who sat in the corner of what she assumed was his bedroom. She slowly walked up to him and noticed a drawing, it seemed to be a picture of his family, but something was off. Isabella felt sad when he realized one of the girls in the drawing had angel wings and a halo. She must of passed.

"H-hey, are you okay?" Isabella managed to ask.

The boy's head looked up at her and he gasped backing away in fright.

"No, no, no, it's okay, I'm nice! I won't bite," she giggled.

The boy wiped his tears away and sniffled, "Who are you?"

"I'm Isabella, and yours?"


"I like that name- Jeremy! Well, Jeremy! Can I be your friend?" She asked excitedly forgetting all about her nervous butterflies that were in her stomach.

Diana smiled, keeping back tears as she took a seat in the window sill next to the boy. Isabella noticed, but she didn't make the connection right away.

As time passed on Isabella secretly watched Diana looking around the boys room, but one thing that distracted her the most was a family picture. Isabella had time for a little bit when Jeremy had to excuse himself to use the bathroom.

"You're the girl in the drawing aren't you?"

Diana turned around and nodded sadly, "That's why he can't see me, if he was able to see me it'd ruin all the healing that we're supposed to help with." She paused. "I died when Jeremy was 3 years old, I became very ill after saving him from the frozen lake in our backyard. He snuck off and he almost drowned, but I reached in to grab him and saved him right before the ice broke and I fell in. I was in my pajamas and I used all my strength to make sure he was warm and dry. I got super ill and I ended up passing away."

"Isabella I'm back!!" Jeremy called as he ran back in the room. Isabella looked back up at Diana, asking if she could go back with her eyes.

Diana teared up and smiled giving a nod, "Go, I love seeing him happy. I must go though. I'll see you later, okay?"

Isabella nodded and ran back to her new friend.

Diana teleported back into the room with the moon pool and fell to her knees and cried her built up emotions out.

"I love you Jeremy. My little brother..."
🌸 Hiya!
~March 3rd, 2021~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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