Chapter 2

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Corbyn's POV

"Ahh fresh air feels good after being it that hell hole for so long" i said pushing the doors open "yessir it does" me and jack just got out of math class and all we wanted to do is go to the white rose and get are coffee so we can drink coffee and die a little on the inside "hey guys" Liza said coming up to us "sup hoe where's Abby and Daniel I thought you were in their class" "They are Abby got held back for a sec and Daniel's getting something for his locker" "well they better hurry up i want my coffee" Jonah said coming up behind me "of course you do you always do its kinda scary bro" " you really should go to rehab for this addiction to coffee Jonah" "yeh jo CAA coffee addict anonymous" Abby said coming up to us "hey guys" Daniel said quietly "ok who else are we waiting for then" i questioned "i think just Zach, Christina, Ashton and Shawn" "ok also where is Ashton and Shawn i haven't seen them all day" "we're here" i saw Ashton and Shawn running towards us "sorry we got detention at lunch because SOMEONE wouldn't shut the fuck up during class" Shawn said turning towards Ashton "independence!" Liza suddenly screamed "WHAT'' Abby yelled back at her "I don't know I just wanted to yell independence" ''oh- ok?" I said genuinely confused

"Ok are we going because Chris isn't coming anymore she texted me saying she needs to go home and clean the house before her parents get home from Barcelona" I said putting my phone back in my pocket "ya ok so we have two cars right?" Liza asked "ya Jonah and me drove today" I answered "ok so Jonah you drive with Daniel, Liza, jack and Zach and Corbyn can take me, Ashton and Shawn" we all nodded and walked to the two cars.

"Ok dumbass please for the sake of mine and all man kind be normal when we get there" Abby said to me as we got in the car "I have know idea what you're talking about" I said acting oblivious to what she was obviously talking about. She looked at me with a 'bitch if you don't' look "listen you twat act normal so he doesn't get scared and stop hangout with us, I love Dani I do but he never steps out of his comfort zone so this is very new for him so don't be weird and scare him" she looked genuinely serious which is never good when it comes to Abby. "What do you mean?"

"Daniel likes to keep to himself, over the years that I've known him I noticed that he never goes out when I ask him, he likes to keep to his books make up scenes in his head you know" I nodded as she continued "he's a very quiet stay to himself kid it took awhile for him to actually open up to me and when he does it will be the best decision ever, some shit happened to him when we was little it fucked him up, so eventually when or if he opens up to you don't hurt him or I will hurt you" I looked at her, she had a look it her eyes like if I did hurt him no one would ever hear from me again and I would be 6 feet under "ok I promise" "good now let's go."


Daniel's POV

As we came to a stop I literally jumped out of the car, fuck Abby for sticking me with Liza she's insane, scares the fuck out of me "ay fuck you Abby Putin me in that car Liza's scary to drive with" I said walking up to her "I know I'm so sorry I didn't even notice that I put you in a car with jack, Zach AND Liza till half way there, the three of them together is like the chaotic trio" "your telling me Liza grab a lighter and said lets light this bitch up, Jonah LITARALLY had the pry it out of her hands" "oh that's nothing she once got arrested on April fools day for spray painting small dicks club on the side of all of our houses I had to convince my mom not to press charges" Corbyn said walking up to us "WAIT seriously?" "ya I have her mugshot and pictures of her scrubbing it of our houses the next day."

"Ok let's save the story times for inside i want coffee" Jonah said walking up to us with the rest of them "ya let's go" Jack said. We all walked inside and sat at a table "hey guys what's up" the waitress said coming up to the table "hey liv nothing much we'll all have the normal" Jonah replied "sounds good what about you, your new" she said pointing at me "oh um caramel iced coffee" I said "sounds good what your name" she asked politely "Daniel" I replied "oh your that Daniel I've heard a lot about you especially from Corb-" "yo liv can you go get us our drinks" corbyn interrupted her, she playfully rolled her eyes and walked away "ok so dani wanna hear more dumb shit we've done" Liza asked "oh god abso-fucking-lutely."

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