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Sunday and I get nervous.
I look in the mirror just looking at my self as a hope that this will help my  confidence. Nothing instead I go take a shower washing my hair making sure that it is clean then my body and I get out dry myself off the blow dry my hair just to make it fluffy.

Wondering what to wear is hard but I go for a nice cottagecore dress called repunlazle on etsy I ordered it when wanda left as a surprise for when we go on a picnic but I guess today will do I bring with me a small bag that is just enough to carry what I need.

Going and wrapping my gift for wanda and the cards for the others is always a joy. But how am I going to get that cake to the compound?
I call Happy in Hope's he will answer and knowing him he will "Hello" Hi happy it's me Lorelei" "Lorelei hi so nice to hear from you, so why did you call?" "Well happy I need a ride, you see I bought a cake and I need a ride to the Avengers compound but seeing as I dont really drive I was could give me a lift?" I think happy could hear I was nervous about asking for a favor. You see happy is not even his real name, his real name is harold Joseph but everyone calls him happy I think it's funny thi because he never really is happy he is sorta upset most of the time. "Sure lorelei." "Thanks happy I'll be waiting."

It was about an half hour when he arrived which gave me time to get happy a treat and pepper seeing as she might be with him in the care paper eas like my mom she mad sure I was alright she knew I had feelings for wanda before me and wanda even knew. "Thanks happy for giving me a ride here I got you this muffin." "Anytime kiddo." I thought Pepper would be here I was wrong but that's ok.
It took 2 hours to get to the compound luckily I fall asleep in the car easily. "Bye happy I will see you soon hopefully." "See you then kiddo". I watched happy drive away first stop I have to make in this building is security then the bathroom, I need to make sure I ready to say those three words I see tears building up in my eyes and I realize that I still not ready for this but maybe she is, so I wipe a tear away and clean my self to make sure I look nice.
Next place to stop the kitchen Happy sent the cake up to the kitchen and as I walk into the elevator I get the cards out and stand there till u get to my floor just listing to the music Tony so graciously put in the elevator AC/DC is a nice band I guess but I'm not a fan of listening to it for about 5 to 6 minutes on repeat, Thankfully I hear that beautiful ding that let's me know that I'm at my stop getting out I make sure I didn't drop anything.

Walking into the kitchen I saw the cake was there still in one piece, Steping out of the room to see if they are even home, On the way to do so I bumb into Sam. Sam and I always got along he was so kind to me most of them are he was just more friendly and not so scary  unlike the rest. "Sam how have you been loca" he just looked at me with a straight face it last for a couple of seconds then we broke down laughing "I have been good how about you"  "so much better now that you are all home, Hey Dam can you call everyone into the kitchen I have something for you all" "Of course." I ruined back to the kitchen to get 12 plates one for each of us the first person to walk in well more like run was Lover Girl she came up behind me and held me so tight as if she was gone and hadn't seen me in a year, it only been 4 weeks. But I don't mind when she does this it makes me laugh but as I'm cutting that cake Mariah,Steve, and nat walk in next, not to fair behind is Vision, Tony, Thor, Bruce and Clint. All waiting to fight over who gets to open their card,and who gets severed first on cake.

After I gave them all cake and they went for seconds I told Bruce to open the envlope and I gave Wanda her special gift.

When Bruce opened he read it out loud for everyone to hear. "Dear friends/family thank you for letting me into your hearts I rember when you all walked into my heart it made life better. Thank you for always protecting my Lover Girl.

Next thing I know I'm being tackled into a hug by Thor and Bruce. Then I see Wanda starting to open her gift and I see her smile and it filled me with joy. She put on her ring and read aloud what it said "Lover Girl" then she put on her necklace and she just stared and told me it was perfect that I was perfect. At that moment i thought she was gonna say those three words.

Instead she said three different words

I missed you.

Those words were stuck in my head on repeat and all I could think is those words
I missed you.

Lover Girl why those words why not the three words I needed to hear that you needed to hear. I told Wanda I missed her to but told her I needed to do some stuff around the city calling a cab and going home was my best option i just need to let every thing go before i did something stupid.

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