Chapter one: Georgina Baker

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Monday. What a dull day of despair because it is the marker of a new week of having to get up early for work every day. It’s so… bleak. Especially on this gloomy Monday in question. The rain poured down relentlessly on London like a bad omen. The silvery… no just grey, clouds were rolling like the sea on a stormy day, except slower, and much more majestic. I remember waking up and thinking, let today be a good day. That was before I opened the curtains. Then it just became utterly miserable again. Being a History teacher at a school, sometimes it was busy and hectic and sometimes it was so unbelievably boring. I didn’t want to go back to that cesspool of despair. I was relieved to hit the shower. The warm water spraying over me. But alas, it was too soon over. I got my gear on, very, very slowly, I have never been a morning person. Even now I hate waking up, but I guess now I have more reasons than I did back then. But anyway. Soon I was out the door. Reluctantly ready for another school term. My heavy grey coat tugged at my arm as my dark brown, curly hair slapped my face like a million tiny whips. I winced at the cold, but kept on.

The school loomed ahead of me like a dark prison. I hated my job, but I couldn’t find anything else. I mean I would have become an artist, but I don’t really enjoy being a check out chick at the supermarket either. Trust me I tried. And it is never to be repeated. Well, on earth anyway. I stopped and looked down the road again at my last glance of freedom, and walked through the black gates of death. The place was just as dull as the last time I was here, except a thin layer of frost covered the dull grass and the graffiti word BAD WOLF had been removed from the wall below the English room windows.

“Good morning Georgia” Miss Stella Morgenstern, one of the only members of staff I was actually friends with said running up behind me. I grunted dully. I wasn’t a very… friendly person most of the time, I didn’t really like people. Not sure why. “Bad morning?” she asked, already knowing the irritated answer. I glared at her.

“Yup” I muttered popping the ‘P’. She smiled to herself making me question her with my eyebrow. She snorted and started laughing. I silenced her with another glare.

“Do you want the good news or the bad news?” she asked. I considered it for a minute.

“Meh” I shrugged unenthusiastically and said “bad”

“You have to take care of a student teacher for the next six months” she blurted out. I lowered my gaze. The headmaster was going to die in fire and ice for this. “And the good news is, you don’t actually have to teach because he is taking over. You any need to supervise” I smiled thoughtfully. And then frowned.

“He?” I asked. She nodded. “What’s his name?”

“John Smith” she answered. What an original name. He must love his parents for that one. We reached the main corridor and we had to split. The corridor was dark and gloomy because the students had to take all the artwork down over the holidays for security reasons. A small girl sat quietly reading a book next to her locker. She had mousy brown hair and a round face. She must have been one of the new students. She looked maybe in year ten or eleven.

“Hello” I remember saying to her. She looked up from being engrossed in her book. “What is your name?”

“Clara Oswald” she answered. Clara is a nice name, not sure about the last name though.

“Oh, I think I may have you in one of my history classes” I smiled. She seemed so different to your average girl. Something odd. Not… right. What was I thinking? Or was I thinking right?

“Oh. Ok” she answered simply and looked down at her book again. Clara Oswald. You may know her. I continued down the hall leaving Clara to read. In my classroom once again I sat on my familiar chair and sighed. The chair had a spring problem, it dug into my left backside and I always had to sit balanced awkwardly on the right. Maybe I could have stolen someone else’s…

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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