Chapter 1

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Hi! Okay so the way this is gonna work is I'm (Jessicaq10 ) is going to be writing all the chapters with odd numbers and my friend ( Primrose42 ) will be writing all the even chapters. This is my first ever fan fiction so I hope it turns out okay. I really really really hope you will love this fan fiction and we would be so thankful if you 'vote' and comment on our fan fiction.
Thank you and sorry for this chapter being so short.

Oh and sorry for this being such a shit chapter. I've read it back a month after completing in and cringe (I'm probably going to read back my new chapter and cringe at that to but I am positive that is is better than this). I'm sorry please don't judge the book just from this first chapter because remember there is two authors not just me being really bad at this.

~ Jess
I woke up. I am surrounded by cold darkness and cool stale air. I felt around to see if I could find any clue to tell me where I am, but I only felt metal, metal nothing but metal. I climb to my feet in a search to see if there's any way out of this box, but no there's metal all around me. I felt around every single inch of this dusty box but nothing not gaps, nothing.

I try to remember how I got here, but I remember nothing, nothing except my name, Thomas. Everything that would've meant a lot to me is gone, erased from my memory. My family, friends and maybe even a girlfriend, all forgotten along with all my other personal memories. I could have had the best life, I could've been popular, I could've been smart, I could've been loved, I could've been famous. I could've been anything, but I've forgotten everything. But on the other hand maybe this, even though I don't quite know what this is, is a blessing. My life could've been horrible I could've been bullied, hated, I even could have been suicidal. This could be my second chance.

I felt a sudden movement. The box it was moving. Moving upwards, fast. The force and the surprise of the box moving pushes me down on all fours. The box makes horrible screeching noises as it moved upwards. It sounded like a mean teacher would scrap her hand along a old blackboard. It's a agonising sound. I felt sick.

" me!" I scream.

No one answers

I try to call for help again but no one is there to here me.

"Please, anyone please."

My voice gets quieter and more muffled as I start to panic.

"Please" I whisper. In one last attempt for someone to hear me.

I give up and crawl up into a little ball, calling out occasionally in hope that anyone will here me. The sound gets worse. I put my fingers into my ears and my legs against my chest in hope that the sound will go away but it doesn't. I want it too stop, I need it to stop. The sick feeling consumes my body and then I can't take it anymore, I throw up. My clothes and hair are covered in chunky carroty vomit. It smells as bad as it tasted coming out of my mouth.

I stay in this position with spew all over me for what seems like hours, but eventually the box came to a halt. Nothing happened for a good ten minutes I just laid there in my vomit grateful that the box had stopped moving.

Then I heard a loud clang, the ceiling to the doors were opening. I look up I see a blinding bright like, for a second I thought that I might be dying and I am going to heaven. But no I hear voices, voices of humans. For a second I thought that it may be my family or some of my mates. I hold onto that thought in hope that i might get some answers on why I have forgotten everything. As my vision grows clearer I see a group of teenaged boys, they look around my age maybe a bit younger or older. One of them jumps down into the box.

"Day on, greenie. rise and shine." the boy says and pulls me out of the metal, dusty box and throws me onto the dirt.

The glue that held me together: a Newtmas fan ficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon