Chapter 2

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Hey! So since this is an even chapter it is written by me (Primrose42)

~ Natasha

I look up, up at the teenage boys around me, staring at me as if I was a monster trying to kill them. Then they started laughing. I tried to figure out why, then I remembered that I had puked on myself. My face reddened in embarrassment as I stood up. I took a closer look at the boys around me. Most of them looked my age, fifteen, sixteen? One of the boys stepped out the crowd, the one who threw me out of the box. The boy was tallish and had dark skin. His face looked clean shaven. He had a scowl on his face as he approached me.

"I'm Ably," the boy said as he held out his hand.

"Thomas," I answered. I didn't shake his hand. My mind was reeling with questions. "Where am I? Why am I here?" A few of the boys behind Alby snickered.

"You're in the bloody Glade, Greenie," a voice said from the crowd. I turned around to face the owner of the voice. The crowd had parted so I could get a good look at the boy. He was rather tall and muscular with blonde hair that draped over his shoulders. His soft blue eyes were locked on mine. I suddenly blushed and wanted to look in a mirror to make sure I didn't look that an idiot. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

"Oi Tommy, ya right?" Newt asked me concerned. Part of me was screaming my god he talked to me. Part of me was telling me to go up and wrap my arms and him kiss him.

I took a step back and bit my tongue to prevent me from saying anything I would regret later. "I'm just... confused," I replied hoping that nobody noticed my nervousness. By now the crowd had died down, people had laughed at me then left. The only people left standing in front of me was Newt and Ably. I turned away and looked behind me. There was a huge plain of glass with old, clearly home built houses scattered across the field. The Glade was large, probably several football fields in length. People were busy milling around the Glade laughing and chatting.

"For some reason the Box came up late today so there's no time for a tour," Alby interrupted. I turned back to the older boy.

"Why? What time does it usually come?" I asked.

"Middle of the afternoon, something like that. Right now it's about 5 o'clock so you'd better rush off and sort out ya sleeping arrangements."

I frowned. "How do you know what time it is?" Alby ignored me and walked away. I turned to Newt hoping for some answers.

"Chuck'll sort ya out," he said.

"Who's Chuck?" I asked him. Instead of an answer he pointed to someone behind me. I turned around to see a short kid with long brown hair and bright, innocent blue eyes. The kid trudged towards Newt and I and stopped when he was next to me. He took one look at me and broke into a smile.

"You must be the new Greenie, the one who puked on himself," he chuckled.

"That would be me," I said, trying not to show my embarrassment.

"I klunked my pants three times before they could get me out. You're not the only one who had a bad start," he said, looking back at the memory.

I frowned. "What does 'klunk' mean?" I asked, hoping it wasn't something obvious. I heard a sigh from behind me. I turned around to face Newt.

"Well I'm off then," Newt said, already turning around. I stared at him longingly. His blonde hair was glowing golden in the sunlight. I just wanted to pull him into a tight hug and run my hands over him like he was mine forever. I shook the thought out of my head and watched him walk away. I watched him until he was just an ant in the distance.

I turned back to Chuck. "You're Chuck then?" I asked.

The boy smiled. "Yup. I was the Greenie before you so I'm glad that someone else has the title 'Greenie'" he answered.

"What does 'Greenie' mean?" I questioned his usage of language yet again.

Chuck laughed. "Newest person in the Glade that is. Get supplies each week and every month we get a new Greenie along with the supplies," Chuck explained.

"What exactly is the Glade?"

Chuck sighed. "You ask a lot of questions don't you?" I didn't answer. Chuck turned around and walked away.

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