Chapter 3

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Hey!!! Sorry for the really long delay for the next part I've just been really busy with homework and stuff. Hopefully it won't happen again.

And thank you guys so much for a 100 reads on the fan fiction!!!!

- Jessica


I just sit there for a good 20 minutes thinking about everything. Why am I here? What is here? Who are these people? I have so many questions and no answers any of them. Well apart from Chuck but he's of doing something. I wonder what he's doing. I wonder what everyones doing.

I can't do it anymore all these questions without answers, they are driving me insane, it's time to find out the answers to the questions. I get up and move forward. I have no idea where I'm going, I'm just going. I hope I don't find anyone because they will just drag me back to the spot I was in and tell me to stay there for the rest of the day and I can't have that. I need answers.

I continue walking for about ten minutes until I reach a forest. I hesitate and look back for a second. As I look back for a second and I see the the teenage boys working together as a group to make this place liveable. To make this place their home. It's beautiful how people can do this, it shows that the human race can be one and proving that we can do anything if we join together. But this doesn't normally happens, maybe that's why we were sent in here because the human race collapsed and didn't know how to help each other anymore so they sent us in here to try to make a new type of humans, ones that can actually work together. I can't imagine what could've happened to make someone need to do this though. I turn back around and walk into the forest as these thoughts consume me.

As I walk through the dark, lush, peaceful forest I realise that I don't know why I'm walking in a forest anymore, I'm just thinking. Why are we here? Did we get kidnapped and they are doing inhumane testing on us, is this just some sort of prank. I wish it was a prank and they would just let me out, that would solve all my problems. I don't know.

Then something comes into my vision that breaks my train of thought. In front of me there's one of the boys sitting down on a rock near a small lake. As I get closer I realise that it's that cute boy that I had to hold back kissing earlier, Newt. Newt, with his tall muscular body and his silky blonde hair which a person can never get tired of looking at. Newt in th -

"Hey greanbean, Tommy right?" Newt said as he interrupts my train of thought. "What are you doing? Why are you standing behind me staring at me?"

Oh shit. He must of turned around. I can feel myself blush, how long ago did he notice I was here. "Umm just taking a walk," I stammered trying to hide my embarrassment. "Needed to get away from it all..the questions."

"Come here, sit down" Newt said in his cute British accent.

I walk down the short slope, and climb over a fallen tree and sit next to Newt on the rock.

"You know we all have been through this, what your going through, every last one of us. I know how you feel. The creators have been sending us up for a good three years. Don't worry some of your questions will be answered when Alby gives you the tour tomorrow."

Some? Some! Some of the questions what don't they know. They should know it seems like they've been here for three years. That's a bloody long time if you ask me. How long will it take for them to figure out the rest of the questions. Another three years! Four years! Five years! Ten years! What have they been doing all this time.

"I know what your thinking how have we still got questions when we have been here for so long, well the truth is some of the questions can't possibly be answer while we are stuck in here we need to get out to know more."

"Well why are here then! Why aren't we out searching? What are they even doing?!"

"Woah woah woah, we are searching, every single day we have a select group of people called runners. The runners go out every morning beyond those walls, into the maze and search for a possible way out. But the tricky thing is the reason why we haven't find a way out yet even after all this time is because the maze changes every single night." Newt replied.

"Well why aren't we out there now searching, wouldn't it be more easier if we search during the night too? We could be out of here - "

"No we wouldn't" Newt interrupts. "No one survives a night in the maze. There are creatures. Creatures that will kill you in a second if you go out there, it isn't safe. Enough of this Alby will give you the tour in the morning and you will understand more then. Okay Tommy?" I make some sort of strange noise of relief, I love it when Newt calls me Tommy it rolls off his tongue so perfectly as he pronounces each letter of my name.

Newt cracks up laughing. Oh his laugh is so cute. "Oh my God Tommy, what was that noise." I blush deep scarlet in embarrassment and laugh too to try to make it less awkward.

When Newt and I calm down a little I say "Newt?"

"Yes Tommy?" He replys.

"Why are you out here?" I ask.

"Oh.. Um sometimes I just need a break from the glade and ..sort of pretend I'm not here ....and I am with someone who cares about me."

"Oh Newt." I say I want to say something that will comfort him but I don't know what to say. I can't say that I might care for him because we just met and that would be extremely awkward. He would push me away and I wouldn't ever be able to hear him say my name again and I can't have that so I just sit tight.

"It's all right. Come on Tommy the guys are holding a party and you are the guest of honour!" he says with a smile trying to change the subject.

"Alright." I say as I get up and walk out of the forest talking with Tommy.

As we walk to the party I remembered something I used to think. There's no such thing as love at first sight, but now I'm starting to think a bit differently.

The glue that held me together: a Newtmas fan ficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora