Chapter 7

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Lori just dropped off the younger kids to Royal Woods Elementary and go to their lockers and as soon as they put their books inside, Clyde and the other friends that Lincoln, Dipper, Star, Mabel and Marco have.
Rusty: Sup guys.
Dipper: Hey dudes.
Clyde: I think we should think of another defense for gym class.
Marco: I think I have a powerful formation.
Stella: What is it Marco?
Marco: A tarantula formation.
Others: Oooooooooohhhh
*School Bell*
Liam: C'mon' fellas, we gotta go to class.
Zach: Yeah guys, I don't wanna be late again.
As soon as they get inside the classroom, they we're met with a.....
Chandler: Hey Larry!
Lincoln: What so you want now, Chandler?
Chandler: You're lunch money.
Lincoln: Oh for crying out loud, you already have money doofus.
Chandler: I know but I like it when I take yours.
Lincoln: Nah I'm giving you nothin'.
Chandler: Give me your lunch money now or I will beat your butt at dodgeball.
Lincoln: Nah.
Chandler: You are dead, Loud.
After Ms. Johnson's class, they went to eat recess and after that, they went into the locked room to get ready for dodgeball
Chandler: Now your dead, Larry
Coach Packowski: Alright, Loud you go with your siblings and your friends.
Lincoln: Ok coach.
Lincoln and the others then go into their tarantula formation while the other 10 students got 2 dodgeballs
Chandler: Alright Larry, now your dead.
Lincoln: Let's see about that, loser.
Lincoln and the others then hit the 9 other ones and the only one left was Chandler himself.
Lincoln: I got this guys.
Clyde: Are you sure Lincoln?
Lincoln: I got it.
Rusty: Ok. Be careful.
Chandler then throws 2 balls but Lincoln dodges it and hits Chandler.
Coach Packowski: McCann, your out.
Chandler: I'll get you next time Larry.
Lincoln: We'll see about that loser.
The rest of the day went well but Chandler kept glaring at Lincoln but the others glared back.
Lincoln: Today was pretty good guys.
Dipper: Yeah you finally beat Chandler because of that tarantula formation.
Lincoln: By the way, thanks Marco for the new formation.
Marco: Your welcome guys.

To Be Continued.........................................

The 4 New Louds ( The Loud House X Gravity Falls X Star vs The Forces Of EvilOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz