Part 15

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Bakugou's Pov

Deku got off the ground and said, "I knew you'd come at me first, I figured you'd try to catch me by surprise." Emo was right!

I ran at Deku ready to punch him and said, "I won't hurt you so bad that they'll have to stop the fight, just close!" I was about to punch Deku but he grabbed my arm and threw me over him so I landed on my back knocking the air out of me.

"You always use a big right hook to start a fight, I know because I've watched you for years." Damn Emo was right again, stupid Emo. "I analyzed every hero even you, I wanted to learn everything I could about them. It was all in the notebook you burned and threw away." He stood up shaking and said,"You can call me Deku but I'm not that same useless kid anymore! I've changed from now on Deku is the name of a hero!"

Zero Pov

Right as we were about to run at each other, I used my quirk and saw how her quirk works and decided it would be best to keep some distance and not let her touch me, and use my sword instead. I had been told when I had ordered my 'hero' costume that since I had a sword that could cause some serious damage if I used it, it would be best in training to use it with the cover on to prevent injury. But that made another problem pop up, how would I know if I hit someone? Simple, cover it in red paint.

As soon as we were arms length from each other I saw her arm reach out ready to activate her quirk on me. But at the last moment I moved to the side and slashed her back with the red painted sheath painting a long red line across her back.

"Got you." I said making her stop in her tracks once again confused. "Look at your back." She did as I said and looked back at me still a bit lost.

"I hit you with my sword, and since that skin tight bodysuit of yours isn't armor, your badly injured." While she was in her confused state I walked up to her and tied her wrists with the capture tape. "Your captured."

"W-What?" She looked at her wrists and said, "I guess you got me." I nodded and turned to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"My teammates might need help especially Bakugou. Oh, and I suggest you leave before this building comes down." I said as I saw what Bakugou was going to do soon if I didn't do something.

"Why? I'm pretty sure we lost already." She said rubbing the back of her neck looking disappointed.

"Let's just say I have a hunch." She nodded and waved as best as she could with her wrists tied, then left.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, "This is going to be an awful day."

Bakugou Pov

It's been awhile since that gravity girl got away, all according to Emo's plan. I still find it hard to believe that that Emo has such a strong - No! He's weak and a freak! Focus on beating Deku not that fucking Emo.

I punched Deku again sending him farther away. He reached for his ear probably getting a message from the gravity girl.

"You got caught?! No, its fine. I can win, all I have to do is tire Kacchan out." He said looking nervous as usual.

"Oi Deku, if that gravity bitch is caught then you have no chance of winning, not that you had anything to begin with. You should just give up!" I said walking towards him getting ready to explode his face. I was about to explode him when I got hit in the head with something.

Zero Pov

I was running around looking for that stupid Pomeranian when I turned left into another hall and saw Bakugou about to explode Midoriya. I walk quietly behind him and hit him in the back of the head with the hilt of my sword (not to hard more of a love tap) and said, "Bad Kacchan!"

"Hah? What the fuck do you think your doing Emo, I was just about to explode this nerd?!" He said slightly threatening me with his mini-explosions. I notice his arm twitching slightly, quirk overuse. Idiot, your gonna hurt yourself if you push yourself too hard.

I sighed and let my arm rest over Midoriya's shoulders and said,"There's no point in 'exploding Midoriya' if the timer is already run out, and its obvious we already won." Bakugou opened his mouth to speak but Midoriya talked over him.

"But All Might would've told us that the training was over-" He tried to move his arms as he talked but realized that they were tied together with the capture tape.

"HUH! Z-Zero you- what- how?" Midoriya was a mess. I'm pretty sure he wanted to ask me how did I capture him, but it got lost because of his stutters. After he finally got his thoughts and voice to work together a certain teacher interrupted him.

"And that's time! Villains win! Now make your way to the observation room so we can start the other matches!" Then All Might turned off the intercom and it was just us again.

I was thinking about telling Midoriya what I did but then everything hit me at once and it hit me like an eighteen-wheeler truck. My vision got really blurry and I got dizzy. To stop myself from falling over I grabbed onto the closest thing I could reach which just so happened to be the Pomeranian's shoulder.

No one's Pov

"Oi, what the hell do you think your doing- Emo? What the hell is wrong with you?" Bakugou asked seeing that something was wrong with Zero.

"I'll be fine, just need to take my medicine." Zero reached for a hidden pocket on his belt and took out two pills and swallowed them dry before turning to Bakugou and said, "I'm probably going to pass out just take me to Recovery Girls office to rest, and you better not be an ass and leave me here-" Zero passed out mid sentence putting all his weight on Bakugou.His last thought was,

At least Bakugou won't know about One For All, the futures changing and only I know what's going to happen next and I'm controlling it all.

(1,090 words)

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