Zero Nashamaki

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(This chapter will be about our main character Zero. I'll do some background info next chapter as to how and why he became a vigilante.}

Name: Zero Nashamaki

Age: 16

Height: 6'0 (182.88)

Birthday: January 1

Pronouns: He/They

Sexuality: Bisexual and he's also Asexual

Quirk: Time Line

His quirk allows him to look into the future and past kind of like Sir Nighteye but instead of it looking like a film and seeing pictures like how Sir has, its like he's actually there. Also he can use the quirk whenever he wants but it could result in dizziness, feeling drowsy, headaches, and even fainting.

Fighting Style:

His fighting style is a lot like Aizawa's. He also uses light easy to carry weapons like knifes, sword, and an occasional hand gun. And while hes fighting he uses his quirk so he can see his opponents movements which makes him a pretty tough opponent.

Physical appearance:

The photo at the top is Zero. But Zero isn't just skin and bones he has a decent amount of muscle about the same as Kirishima or Denki.


He likes to be on his own and finds it hard to make friends and keep them. He's also sarcastic and a little passive aggressive when he overuses his quirk.

(205 words)

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