Prologue: Mono and Six fallen in the portal

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   A few hours ago, A Thin man captured six, and Mono will find a way to save her.

While Mono defeats Thin Man, he goes to the signal tower and follows Six favorite music to find her. When he went to the room, to his surprise, he saw Six had turned into a monster and was holding her music box.

There was only one way to do it, he used the hammer to destroy the music box, which made Six furious, and he tried to attack Mono, but he didn't give up. 10mins later, Mono destroyed the music box again, and everything went dark.

When the light reappears

Mono: "Six!" *He went to her side and helped her up.*

Six: *She shook her head and saw Mono.* "M... Mono. What happened?" *She looks at her surrounding.* "Where are we?"

Mono: "It's a long story. We have to get out of her be-"

   Then all of a sudden, eyes emerged out of the wall and crawled toward them.

Mono: "RUN!"

Mono and Six start running before everything clasps. When they see the screen across the bridge, Six runs ahead while Mono follows behind her. Then suddenly, the bridge started to break apart. Six managed to cross on the other side, but not for Mono.

Six saw this, and she reached out her hand to help Mono. When the bridge is about to collapse, Mono runs as fast as he can; he jumps over as Six catches him and pulls him up.

Mono: *He looked at Six and hugged her.* "Thank you, Six."

Six: *She blushes and hugs him up* "You're welcome."

   Suddenly, the ground cracked and made them fall when they were about to drop. A portal appeared beneath them until Mono and Six fell in as the portal disappeared.

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   When it's nighttime, a portal reappears as Mono and Six fly out of it and land on the ground.

Mono: *He sits up and rubs his head.* "Ow. What happened?" *He looks over and sees Six on the ground.* "Six."

   Mono went to her side and helped her up.

Mono: "Are you okay?"

Six: "Yeah." *She looks around.* "Mono, where are we?"

Mono: "I don't know. It's too dark to see. Whatever it is, it saves us from the fall."

Six: "So what do we do know?"

Mono: "Let's find some cave to sleep in, then we'll look around in the morning."

Six: "Okay."

   Mono holds Six's hands, and they walk through the desert to look for the cave. After a while, they've found the small shelter, so they crawl in and make themselves comfortable. While comfortable in the cave, Mono tells her everything that happened when the Thin Man kidnaps her.

Six: "Wow, I can't believe you did all this just for me?"

Mono: "Yes. I tried my best to save you. And I did. But this time, I won't let anything happen to you again."

   Six's happy to hear his word when she feels sleepy, and she leans against Mono for comfort.

Six: "Thank you, Mono. For-" [Yawns and Sighs] "Everything." *She fell asleep.*

Mono: *He smiles and hugs her.* "You're welcome, Six." *He slept as well.*

On the following day, Mono and Six crawls out of the cave. When they are out, the sunbeams into their eyes, and they look at their surroundings.

Six: "Whoa. What is this place?"

Mono: "I think we're in the Desert."

Six: "But why does that thing bring us here?"

Mono: "I don't know, but we must find a safe place to sleep before dark."

   Six looked around and saw something green from miles away.

Six: "Mono, look, I see something. Something green."

Mono: *He looked in that direction.* "Nice going, Six." *He holds her hand.* "Let's check it out."

   Mono and Six head toward the green square. A few hours later, they stopped in front and saw a large green sign has the name, so Mono and Six read it together.

Mono & Six: "Welcome to Jasper, Nevada."

   They looked straight ahead and saw a view of the town.

Mono & Six: "Whoa."

Mono: "There is another city, but smaller and different."

Six: "So, should we explore the new place?"

Mono: "Yup. Let's look around to find a place to stay." *he holds her hand again.* "Let's go."

Mono and Six walks toward the town, which will be a great adventure.

Everything went Black!

What happens next? Will Mono and Six find a safe place? Well, stay dragon Tuned and find out.

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