A boy of music and a girl of the sea

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The bushes move around until Ash comes out with a red square thing flying behind him.

Ash: Pikachu?! Pikachu?!
(Y/n): Ash!

Lillie: Ash, Rotom!
Ash: (Y/n)! Lillie!!

Ash ran up to me and I was gonna ask if he was ok but this red spit flew in my face and started talking.

Rotom: So this is your brother Ash? He doesn't seem to have any biological relationship with you.

(Y/n): Umm......what..even are you-
Rotom: What's you're name?

(Y/n): (Y/n) (L/n). (That still doesn't answer  my question.)

Rotom: You don't even have the same last name as Ash?

(Y/n): No we're not biological brothers but we're basically like brothers so we consider ourselves brothers.

Ash: I agree!

Lillie: So you two really see yourselves as brothers?

Ash: Absolutely positively!

Just then Ash and Lillie's wrist straps started making a sound and then a communicator was revealed.

Lisamine: Ultra Guardians have you caught the Ultra Beast?

Lillie: (sigh) No but we almost did.

Lisamine: Oh did you meet the new member by any chance?

(Y/n): Wait new member?! I don't want to disappoint anyone but I was never told about joining a team.


(Y/n): Well.....no I'm not sure on that yet.

Rotom: But why? The chances of you joining are buzzzzz- 76%!

(Y/n): Heh heh you are wrong.

Lisamine: Oh well I didn't think about that I'm sorry (Y/n).

(Y/n): It's ok.

Just then Dragonite flew down next to me after finding us and started hugging me.

(Y/n): Dragonite !I was wondering what happened to you.

Dragonite: (*happy nosies I don't know what sounds Dragonite makes sorry)

(Y/n): Okay Dragonite your starting to crush me!

Ash: Whoa you rode a Dragonite that's so cool!
And she seems to like you a lot.

Lillie: Yeah she seems to like you a lot.

(Y/n): You think so?

Furret and Bellsprout were climbing on top of Dragonite playing with Pikachu and Snowy.

(Y/n): (Ok I think I'm doing good job socializing. Its been a while since I've talked to anyone other then my family. If I keep this up than maybe I can be their friend.)

Just then we heard a loud explosion I look up to see a giant flaming ball of fire from where the Ultra Beast ran off.

(Y/n): WHOA! They better be cooking up something good with that firepower if you know what I mean haha!

A new voice came on call from Ash and Lillie's communicators.

??????: WE CAUGHT IT!

Ash: ALRIGHT! So that was you and Turtonator wasn't it?

??????: It sure was we've been working on perfecting our Z-move more since you left.

Ash: Well I would like to have a battle later!

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