A story of four kings

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This realm is ruled by four kings, to understand this story you must learn the story of their founder.

King Shrek the first used to be the master of time and space, the ruler of the realm, he was admired by his followers and feared by his enemies. But everything must come to an end and just like that, the king fell into a terrible illness. Potions were made, cures were seeked but not a single thing could relieve the king from his burden.

After several centuries trying to be healed the king found himself in his death bed, but just before leaving his realm alone and defenseless he choose four kings to lead one for each season.

For winter he picked the coldest creature he had known, a white knight who once defeated both Greg and Rodrick Heffley using only the power of love. Michael Cera.

For spring he chose a Prince Fairy who once defeated the Ender dragon in hardcore minecraft by himself, not only proving to be the best minecraft player, but proving also to be the hottest creature amongst the realm. His name you may ask? Robert Pattinson.

The king got some help picking the next king, a witch called Demi told him a prophecy, that the one he must choose for summer has to be cool, so the king did the obvious. The king made a talent show to find the coolest alive in his realm, It was decided that his nephew Simon Cowell needed to be the judge, and like that thousands of fine people arrived from every single corner of the realm to prove themselves to be cool for the summer. The winner was an unexpected choice, but nonetheless a great one he proved himself to be the coolest and so the title was given to Liam Payne, ex member of a boy band called 5 second of summer.

The next season to be given away was autumn, this season was the easiest to give, the king father, frog Harold decided to help, the realm needed a king who could represent and defend the animals, and the decision was made, it was obvious, it was clear, the only animal species able to fulfil the duties of a quarter of king was the bees, a special bee called Barry.

The king Shrek passed away shortly after the decisions were made, the realm fell into sadness and sorrow, as every single creature mourned his departure. The kings ruled with justice for several years, but an evil force came to surface from beneath the earth, this creature had been captured several years ago in the water jail by none other than Michael Cera, but water jail had grown dry and the beast had scaped.

-That's how Sue sees it c.

Echoed in every household of the realm.

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