Another of his ways of hurting me..

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His hand slowly crept up my knee to my thigh and rested there. All this while I was staring at him incredulously. He removed his hand once the assistant called his name. He stood up and adjusted his beanie and walked off to the doctors cabin.

"You know that guy Anabelle?" Mom asked me in a quite tone.

"Uh.. No.. I don't. Why did you ask?"

"He looked at you like he knew you." Mom said knowingly.

"Oh no. I don't know him." I firmly said feeling a tad bit guilty for lying to her. But its for her own good. Lance had threatened me. I couldn't get mom in trouble. I love her too much.

I didn't know when Lance slipped out of the clinic. Soon my name was called. I limped to the doctor with moms help.

"Good morning." The doctor said sweetly. Then reading a paper in front of him he said "Miss Anabelle, can you tell me how you ended up with such a swollen ankle?"

The doctor was probably in his mid twenties. Blonde hair, blue eyes, angular jaw he was the perfect definition of a gorgeous man. I had expected a grumpy old man for a doctor. This was fabulous!

"Honey, Dr James asked you something!" Mom shook me out of my reverie.

I blushed as the doctor gave me a knowing look.

"Um.. I was trying on these heels in my room and uh.. I slipped while trying to walk in them." I said sheepishly, hoping they'll believe my lie.

"Wow! That ankle of yours looks bad. Are you sure you weren't trying to run from gangsters in those heels of yours?" Doctor joked.

"Ah.. Yes. I'm sure." He had no idea how close he was to the truth.

"Hmm, why don't you sit over there so I can examine your ankle?" He ordered me.

I limped again towards the small bed where the doctor told me to sit. I made myself comfortable while the doctor wore gloves. He came near and kneeled on one knee. He lifted my bad ankle and gently placed it on his knee. He prodded it gently to see how bad it was. I couldn't help but notice his hair were so soft and shiny that I felt like running my hand through them. Suddenly a pang of pain shot through my ankle.

I shrieked and looked at my ankle only to see that the doctor had poked it too hard.

"I'm sorry about that." He said not sounding sorry at all. "Your ankle has sprained. Not broken. But if you put too much pressure on it, you'll have to deal with a broken ankle."

"So I suggest you take a week off. By then your ankle should heal and you can put pressure on it. But no hard activity for three to four weeks." He added with a smile.

I nodded dumbstruck by his smile. He kneeled down again to wrap my ankle up firmly. He wrapped it tightly and let my ankle down gently. He stood up and held out his hand to help me up. I gladly took it cause I needed all the help I could get. The doctor began writing a prescription for me while mom and I sat down in front of him.

"Miss Anabelle, I want you to come visit me after a week to get that ankle of yours checked. OK?"

I nodded taking the prescription the doctor handed over to me. Mom helped me up and to the car having said our thankyou's and goodbyes. I got into the front seat and sat quietly thinking about Dr James and Lance. His face was blank despite all those bruises.

Mom helped me out of the car once we reached home and helped me again to get in. I settled down on the couch in front of the TV while mom shuffled around in the house. She still had to leave for work. Taking me to the doctor only made her late. She wasn't going to take a leave for me. Finally she was ready in her gray pants and a peach shirt with her hair tied up and a bag in her hand probably containing all her files.

"Belle, take care of yourself. I called your school to tell them that you won't be attending for a week. Call me if you need anything, honey!" She said sweetly kissing me on my cheek.

She turned to walk out the door to leave for work. When she reached the door she turned and sternly said," I don't want you to move around at all. No pressure on that ankle of yours. " Having said that she waved and left.

With a sigh I hopped to the kitchen to find me some food. I grabbed chips and a can of coke and headed for my room. I might as well read a book since I'm not doing anything. I had bought this book last week I wanted to read. But I was so preoccupied lately that I didn't get time to read.

Climbing up those stairs is going to take some efforts. I felt like I was about to climb Mount Everest and was at the foot preparing myself for the tough climb! Giving myself a motivational talk I began climbing the stairs with the help of the railing on the side.

After what seemed like eternity I finally reached my door. Feeling accomplished I opened the door to my room and stepped in. Placing my food down on my bed and got my book out. I was about to get nicely settled when the doorbell rang. I decided to ignore it. Whoever it is will leave since no one important was going to come today as all my friends are in school and mom didn't tell me about anyone coming.

For five minutes straight the doorbell kept ringing. Jeez, why can't this guy take a hint and leave? Irritated, I decided to go down and give him a piece of my mind.

Climbing down the stairs was easier than climbing up. I reached the door in no time. With an angry scowl I opened the door. My anger faded as fast as it came when I saw Lance standing there with an even angrier scowl.

He shoved me aside and headed straight to the kitchen. He grabbed a pack of ice out of the refrigerator and a can of sprite along with the cake mom had baked earlier for himself. All this while I was staring at him surprised that he didn't say anything.

He headed to my room without as much as a backward glance at me. I wondered why he didn't come through the window like he usually did. He probably noticed moms car missing and decided to come in through the door for once. With much efforts I reached my room to find Lance on my bed reading my book and putting ice on his wrist. That does look swollen. I scowled at him.

"Hey that's my book!" I almost shouted at him in anger.

He looked up a bit surprised to see me scowling. He patted the bed on his side and beckoned me to sit next to him.

The scowl on my face was replaced with a questioning look. No way was I sitting next to the devil.

"Just come and sit here. I'm trying to be civil here and letting you read the book with me. " He said with an irritated sigh.

I hesitated. Is this another of his ways of hurting me? I'm still not over his kiss. Sitting that close to him is going to be torture for me.

Seeing my hesitation Lance got up from the bed and came to me. Wrapping an arm across my waist he helped me to the bed. His arm across my waist had me swooning like crazy. I was blushing red. I tried to avoid looking at him.

He got into the bed next to me. He adjusted the book between us and quietly began to read. I could not read a word. I was so engrossed in trying to calm my fast beating heart that I almost didn't notice his arm sliding over my shoulder making my stiff posture turn into a comfortable one.

I leaned into his side and felt myself getting comfortable. His arm held me closer to him. I sighed in content and drifted off to sleep in Lance's side.

So I got 10 votes and I updated!
Do tell me what you think of this chapter.. Good? Bad? OK? Like it? More action between Lance and Belle? Leave me your comments..

Next update after 150 reads and 10 votes!!

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