Lunch with the Wilsons

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Waking up was not pleasant at all. Reason being the horrendous pain in my ankle. That sprain is sure causing me a lot.

I sat up on my bed recollecting yesterdays events. It was one hell of an eventful day! First my friends, then Lance, then my old friends, then Lance again! Funny how my time is always spent with Lance or even with Lance's thoughts.

I distinctly remember Lance slipping in the bed with me. I remember sleeping with his arm as a pillow. His other arm was dropped around my torso. What I don't remember is when he left. He must've slipped out early morning before Mom returned. Wouldn't want mommy dearest to find out now, would we?

Sighing I hopped to the bathroom for my medicines. The pain is not so not fun. After eating the medicines and completing my morning routine, I went downstairs to the kitchen. Breakfast is important you know!

Mom was in the kitchen cooking something. The smells wafting through the kitchen made me inhale deeply in bliss. Mom was making her special fried chicken! She always put in these tasty spices and fried the chicken. Is always been my favorite! I love eating fried chicken and rice.

But why on earth would Mom cook that for breakfast?

"Mom!" I called out to her.

"Oh, good you're up! Eat up your cereal and help me cook. We're going to the Wilson's!" She said to me once she realized I was up.

Oh yeah! How could I forget to tell mom about Ethan and Olivia coming over yesterday! Good thing they called to invite us or else I would have never heard the end of it.

Nodding, I poured cereal in a bowl with a little milk. I don't like soggy cereal. I like mine in between soggy and crunchy. Wolfing down the cereal, I watched as mum moved in the kitchen from one place to another. I swear if there was a superhero based on kitchen and cooking, it would be Mom! She was moving so fast, cutting and chopping here, stirring there, throwing in spices there, staring at me in disapproval! Wait, she's staring at me in disapproval!

"Sorry, sorry! I'll help you out." I apologized. 

Without another word I began to help her wash and cut the vegetables. I was chopping onions with tears down my face!

"Belly, if its that much of a trouble you can stop cutting onions." Mom sighed.

Yes! I can go and read a book in my room!

""You can chop up the salad!" Mom said to me with an evil smile as if she sensed my thoughts.

Narrowing my eyes I got down to chop the tomatoes and cucumbers for the salad. We worked in silence with chopping and sizzling noises adorning the atmosphere. After about another hour of mom bossing me in the kitchen and me making myself feel important that Mom was taking my help, everything was ready and packed into plastic containers, ready to be taken out!

You know that nagging feeling at the back of your mind that keeps making you feel uncomfortable? Like you are forgetting something important. Real important. I keep feeling like I am forgetting something. But for the life of me I cannot seem to remember what it is.

"You know Belly? You should go get ready now. " Mom brought me out of my thoughts. "You kind of stink of chicken spices!" She added jovially!

I huffed and headed up to my room to get ready, leaving Mom to get ready herself, forgetting what it was that I forgot in the first place!

I decided to wear a simple dress not wanting to bother with shorts and pants with my leg being still bandaged. A white Dress with little flowers on the top which ended a bit above my knees. Leaving my hair down after brushing it, I wore my brown ballet flats. A little lipgloss and I was ready to go! I didn't need a lot of time to get ready but Mum does need! Unlike me, Mum likes to make sure she is at least a bit presentable.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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