The Throne

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TW: Mental abuse, toxic relationship, and  manipulation

The burning throne

You offered me your golden throne,
But all I want is flames.

I want to watch as cities burn,
And the throne you offered me decay.

I tightly hold a paper,
A lighter underneath,
I want to watch as cities burn,
The flames I birth ablaze.

You say you wish you understood,
But all you do is quench the flames I birth.

You offered me your golden throne,
But all you can do for me is burn your city to ash and dust.

You bring your water to kill my flames,
Then offer me your throne,
I deny you once again but you always try again.

I birth my flames,
You kill them and offer me a throne of lies upon which you stand,
I deny your golden throne and set it ablaze.

When I watch your city burn your throne is the first thing to be lit,
I want to watch as cities burn and the throne you offered me decay.

The throne

You pile your lies to build a throne,
Each lie building upon the last.

You want to build your city up,
But all it does is burn.

A kingdom with a throne of lies,
Something that will never last,
You try to set your lies in gold but all they do is blast.

Your lies have begun to unravel,
How will you catch them all?

You once promised me a golden throne,
And the kingdom upon which it stood,
How will you gift me lies when they've all already been told.

You're trying to give me something you've already given away,
How will you gift me lies when they've all already been told?

Your biggest lie-
You love me.

You say you love me,
Yet all you do is control me.

You call me your muse,
But a muse is admired,
All you do is look down upon me.

The throne I gift to you

I carefully craft my lies to build a golden throne,
One I gift to you but all you ask is ¨Why?¨

I try to give you my golden throne,
And the kingdom it lies upon,
Although all you want is to burn all the lies I carefully craft for you.

All of the lies I tell I try to set in gold,
All the lies I tell are curated to be cast aside,
For all I want is you.

Every time I give you my golden throne all you do is burn it,
You burn everything my lies and I have touched.

I still try for you.

I tell lie upon lie to set in gold,
I build up my kingdom,
All I do is for you...
At least that's what I tell you.

All the lies I tell are to keep you in reach,
You're my muse,
A muse I control.

My favorite subject,
The love of my life,
My simple pride and joy,
Yet you still refuse my toxic love.

When I met my throne

When we met you were sweet,
The type of guy who would get along with my mom.

You weren't the arrogant son of a bitch I know you to be now,
You are now the type of guy who my mom warned me of.

You were the type of guy who would hold the door open for me,
Now you slam it in my face.

You used to open doors that I thought were forever sealed shut,
Little did I know those doors all led to dead ends,
If not worse,
They led to you.

When we met you called me your little princess,
Your kitten,
Your everything.

I wish I had never believed you,
I wish I had stopped and ran the other way.

When we met you were the boy of my dreams,
The walks in the park at dusk,
The picnic dates in the meadow,
The romantic dates at fancy restaurants,
The gifts,
The affection,
I knew it was too good to be true.

I acted as a naive child would,
I accepted everything without batting an eye
Little did I know those gifts and dates would reign hellfires down upon me.

My fires

I love fire because of you.
I love fire because I have taken something I used to watch dance in the fireplace on a cold winter's day,
Something you stole from me,
And took it back.

It's now a lethal weapon to burn your city to the ground,
Along with the throne you carefully crafted of your lies.

I hold a piece of paper,
A remnant of your lies,
And let fire crawl up it.

I drop your lie to set off a chain reaction and burn every lie you've ever told,
From the white lies children tell to the lies that you love me.

Every lie you've ever told will burn.
Every bridge you have to me will burn.
Everything you've ruined and poisoned will burn on a cold winter's night.

Unlucky for you,
It's the middle of winter,
My little muse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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