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Tessa had been in a deep, dreamless sleep, but something lured her away. A distant voice called her name. Her body discouraged the change, her limbs and lids so heavy she couldn't have gotten more than just a few hours of rest.


"Five more minutes," she pleaded.

"Come now, pet. I've let you sleep in," came the amused response.

Her ears perked up. French had that effect on her regardless, but the familiar voice was all kinds of sexy, stirring lust and warmth. Right on its tail was a strange longing to feel secure, a lingering sense of uncertainty.

"We need to start the day, little fox, and it's already past nine."

Little fox. Holy hell.

Her eyes cracked opened and everything from the night before came flooding through the fog, though it seemed a little disjointed in the light of day. The conversation she'd overheard between Felix and Sir Louis had been intriguing, because it was apparent they knew one another and shared some kind of history, yet it had also been disconcerting. Felix's outlook on being unlovable, in particular. Then, he'd sought out the lock at her neck and whispered those words.

" little fox...but to be mine forever."

A shudder worked down her spine. It was just as unsettling in memory.

Felix was crouched in the open door of the cage when she rolled over, his blue eyes content and edging toward smoldering.

"There you are now," he smiled. "Good morning, my sweet vixen. How was your first night being caged?"

If he only knew. The problem was that every ounce of steely conviction she'd forged in the wee hours of the night now felt weak and despairing. No way could she return to auction without telling him why. She didn't have to know him to know he'd demand an explanation. That was just common sense, and she was too horrible a liar to convince him of some frivolous excuse. Plus, there was the matter of his bid. He'd already paid for her submission until sundown, so would she even have the option to leave beforehand?

"It was different, Master," she finally answered.

"Different in a bad way?" he inquired, picking up on the undertones of uncertainty she couldn't hide.

"It's just my legs. I'm not sure I can get used to keeping them bent up all night."

"Come, stretch them out."

All her muscles stretched naturally, dragging a moan of relief from her as she crawled out to lay on her stomach. She closed her eyes at Felix's amused chuckle and reveled in the softness of the area rug. It was nearly as comfortable as the bedding in her cage.

"So much for your masochistic tendencies, little fox," he teased.

She tried not to tense at the pet name that no longer felt personal or uniquely hers. "I think that switch turned off in my sleep, Master."

Tessa couldn't prevent the way her body melted into languid pliancy when he massaged her legs with warm, confident hands. Felix watched his own progress, so she studied him on the sly. He was dressed in a pair of casual beach shorts and an adventure shirt. The tabs holding the rolled sleeves in place around his impressive biceps were mimicked on the front pockets. The tailored fit showcased the broadness of his build more than the tux had, causing the heat of her lust to rise with no care to her thoughts on the matter. Not that she could deny his overall sex appeal. Everything about the man tempted her. The idea that she wasn't anything more than a replacement in his eyes left a residual unpleasantness she wasn't used to.

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