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It was a normal day. There were three cooks, three delivery drivers, and no pizza boxers or suppliers. All three cooks were complaining to the manager about wanting a raise. Five people had skipped work that day and two of the three delivery drivers were missing. And Isaac Jones was tired as fuck. Normal day.

Today, Isaac was a cashier. For now. In a few minutes, he'll probably be a cook. Or a pizza boxer. Or a supplier. Or whatever the hell else this shift was missing. But for now, he was a cashier. Probably the tamest job on the roster. No random objects flying around because of crazy-ass employees. No weird pizzas made that always end up in the trash. Just saying a few random words about it being a good day or whatever, take their order, and don't screw up and press the wrong button. Easy, right? There are just four buttons to choose from. It's virtually impossible to screw up. But if the job exists, someone is gonna screw it up. That's Isaac's motto.

Isaac had seen everything this godforsaken pizza place had to offer. Maybe. Everytime Isaac thought he had seen everything, some new psycho manager or new fight would come around and prove him wrong.

After five years of working at Builder Brothers' Pizza, Isaac had just learned to stop caring. Every once in a while the manager would come to him and give him a bonus or even make him employee of the day, but other than that, Isaac had a routine of getting up, going to work and just seeing whether the pizza place was in good shape or bad shape today.

And, obviously, today it was in bad shape.

"Hey, Isaac, we need a cook. Can you get in there and help out?" Adam, the remaining delivery driver asked.

Isaac liked Adam. He worked hard and, like Isaac, could pretty much work any job on the roster. A worthy replacement when Isaac would eventually leave. Although, every day he went to work seemed like another day that his eventual resignation would be postponed.

"Why can't the other cooks do it? There're three of 'em," Isaac replied.

"They're all in the manager's office asking for a raise or a promotion. None of them are actually working."

"Then tell the manager to grow a spine and put them back to work. Or, better yet, tell the cooks themselves that they need to stop bitching to the manager and do their fucking job or else no one here is gonna get paid!" Isaac slowly raised his voice until he was practically shouting, to which Adam flinched.

 "But Isaac, if they get put back to work, they're just gonna come back, and you know how they are, so stubborn that nothing'll get 'em to go back to work when they're this dead-set on getting a raise,'' Adam wasn't lying, and Isaac had seen this all before. No one could really get the cooks to go back to doing their jobs now. "Please, Isaac, It's just for now, and you said it yourself, if these pizzas don't get made, then no one gets paid. I really hate to ask you this because everyone always comes to you and you must be so fed up-"

"Okay," Isaac cut him off.

"Okay?" Adam asked, hopeful.

"Yeah, okay! I'll go make the pizzas and get things cleaned up so we can actually get paid," Isaac said as he walked to the kitchen.

"Thank you so much Isaac! You're a life-saver! This is why everyone always comes to you for help!" Adam happily shouted as he walked out the door towards the pizza boxing area.

Builder Brothers' Pizza is Kinda a Weird PlaceWhere stories live. Discover now