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"Hey, I need some pizza sauce in here, I'm almost out, and, obviously, you can't have a pizza without the sauce," Isaac shouted from the kitchen.

Things had been going smoothly for about four hours by then. Customers were being served like clockwork by Adam, Isaac was efficiently cooking the pizzas, and Christina was getting the boxed pizzas out to other customers. Even Morgan had actually come in for her extra shift and was doing the boxing. This was how the pizza place should have been. How it was on a good day.

However, it seemed like the employees had forgotten one important thing: suppliers. The most hated and forgotten job.

Adam actually liked working as a supplier. He got to get out of the pizza place for a while and simply have a change of scenery. A little break from the usual routine. But since the supply place was separated from the actual pizza place, Adam usually would forget about the supplies until there were almost none left. And unfortunately, running out of supplies was just the first blow to the already precarious balance that was achieved that day.

"Alright, I'll go get some supplies, be right back," Isaac said tiredly.

And Isaac seemed to have picked the absolute worst time to have left. Because at exactly one o'clock on Thursday afternoon, a chime rang out.


On a good day, this was a good, no, a great thing. Double time meant double pay. For about five minutes every day, a sort of happy hour would occur in which an influx of customers would rush in through the doors and pay would be doubled for all employees, provided they all did their jobs correctly. It was a bit of adrenaline pumped into an otherwise extremely boring or daunting day with a nice paycheck at the end of it. Sometimes, though, it Sucked. It would come at the worst time possible and no one would benefit from it at all. This looked like it would prove to be one of those days.

Collective dread came from Morgan, Christina, and Adam. The three younger employees had seen Isaac leave to go get supplies delivered, leaving no one to cook the pizzas. There were technically two other delivery drivers, but they were the same ones who went missing the day before, and still hadn't registered that they had left. (Christina was convinced that they had decided to drown themselves in the nearby lake, and Adam was beginning to agree.)

This, obviously, was a problem. If it was any other place, there would be multiple cooks to take over the kitchen if one person was out. That wasn't what happened at Builder Brothers'. At Builder Brothers', there was almost always the bare minimum of employees required to keep the pizza place from shutting down. So if one person was missing, it was a huge problem. Especially in times like this one.

Adam had been taking nonstop strings of orders from the long line of customers leading up to the counter. Everything was chaos, since he was just one person manning three stations full of people. When Adam spared a glance towards the kitchen, he had to do a double take at what he saw on the que.

The entire que was full of orders and an ellipsis was at the end, showing that there were even more orders that Adam couldn't see.

"I'm so sorry, there's a situation that I need to take care of in the kitchen, I'll be able to take your order in a minute," Adam nervously delivered a rushed apology before practically running into the kitchen.

When Adam checked the supplies, thankfully it seemed like Isaac had delivered some more. Thank you God for this beautiful man, Adam thought as he saw that the supply bins were completely full. With some more confidence, he got to work in pushing out the orders.

Until he couldn't. Adam was only partially done with the orders when he saw that the conveyor was backed up. That meant that something was going on in the boxing station.

Adam walked through the door into the boxing station to investigate. When he got there, he saw a young woman about his age just standing at the counter, doing nothing. He was about to ask why when he saw the sign behind her that told how many boxes were left was flashing with a big fat "0". He approached the woman, whose name he read to be "Morgan" so he could ask what was going on.

"Uhh, what's happening? It doesn't look like there are any boxes left, but the kitchen is fully restocked. Do you, uh, know what's happening with that?" Adam asked her.

"Isaac said that he didn't have enough room in the supply truck for everything and that it's gonna take him at least another trip to get everything fully restocked," Morgan replied, lightly shrugging. Adam didn't ask how she knew Isaac; everyone at Builder Brothers' did, one way or another.

"Everything was going fine until now, and it doesn't help that that sorry excuse for a manager has done jack shit to help with everything. I don't think I've seen him all day, have you?" So it seemed that Morgan knew of Sean's antics, as well.

"I saw him this morning, but he went into his office and I haven't seen him since," Adam sighed, shaking his head.

 "I saw him last night, where he gave me extra hours and ignored my very presence, then walked away into the back area and just... disappeared," Morgan sighed as well.

There seemed to be some common themes with this manager, such as incompetence, ignorance, and of course, disrespect of women. A real piece of work if Adam was being honest.

Out of things to do, the two of them just stood there in silence as Double Time came to an end and everyone was paid three hundred coins. Not bad, but most of it was just carried over from the early hours of the work day. Isaac had come back in that time and him and Christina had joined Morgan and Adam in their collective silence. Back to normal for the time being.

The day stretched on, everyone did their jobs effectively and were paid for it. The delivery drivers from the previous day had been declared missing by then, but most thought they were just dead because there were next to no places to hide on the small island where the pizza place was located. In any case, the jobs were taken care of.

As the sun set, the night shift people came in and everything looked like it was gonna be alright. The other employees had found Sean to be sitting in his office, doing literally nothing for the entire day, but they had been fine without him. The actually competent employees had pulled through and it was showing.

For now, it looked like Builder Brothers' Pizza was going to be alright. At least for the next few hours or so. It was a good day.

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